Blockchain-based academic certificate verification system—a review
Educational certificates, marriage registration records, students' records, healthcare records,
and other types of information can all be recorded in a transparent and safe manner using …
and other types of information can all be recorded in a transparent and safe manner using …
[HTML][HTML] Methodological and Technological Advancements in E-Learning
The present survey examines the intersection of methodological advancements and
technological innovations in e-learning, emphasizing their transformative impact on modern …
technological innovations in e-learning, emphasizing their transformative impact on modern …
Blockchain and machine learning for fraud detection: A privacy-preserving and adaptive incentive based approach
Financial fraud cases are on the rise even with the current technological advancements.
Due to the lack of inter-organization synergy and because of privacy concerns, authentic …
Due to the lack of inter-organization synergy and because of privacy concerns, authentic …
Cyber warfare threat categorization on cps by dark web terrorist
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) also referred as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) as
critical elements, expected to play a key role in Industry 4.0 and always been vulnerable to …
critical elements, expected to play a key role in Industry 4.0 and always been vulnerable to …
Machine learning based detection of cyber crime hub analysis using twitter data
Online Social Network Platform is the hub of criminal activities. Among them twitter is the
most popular one containing millions of media contents and thus can be used for crime …
most popular one containing millions of media contents and thus can be used for crime …
Deep learning algorithms are used to automatically detection invasive ducal carcinoma in whole slide images
This paper proposes a profound learning approach in Whole-slide images of breast cancer
(WSI) for automatic detection and visual study of invasive ductal cancer (IDC) tissue regions …
(WSI) for automatic detection and visual study of invasive ductal cancer (IDC) tissue regions …
Reduction in gas cost for blockchain enabled smart contract
Smart contract is the heart of the Blockchain based decentralized applications. Smart
contracts are the programs that get executed automatically on the Blockchain when the pre …
contracts are the programs that get executed automatically on the Blockchain when the pre …
CERTbchain: a step by step approach towards building a blockchain based distributed appliaction for certificate verification system
A certificate is a document that is received once the person completed a particular course.
This certificate can be used to get a job or to get admitted to an institute/university of higher …
This certificate can be used to get a job or to get admitted to an institute/university of higher …
Smart contract for academic certificate verification using ethereum
A certificate is a document that a person receives after completing a course. This certificate
can be used for recruitment purpose and getting admission in a college or institution. There …
can be used for recruitment purpose and getting admission in a college or institution. There …
Plant disease detection using web application by neural network
The fundamental necessity for each country is agricultural products. This affects agricultural
productivity in the country and its financial opportunities if plants are afflicted with illnesses …
productivity in the country and its financial opportunities if plants are afflicted with illnesses …