Atomic-level structure and structure–property relationship in metallic glasses
The structure of metallic glasses (MGs) has been a long-standing mystery. On the one hand,
MGs are amorphous materials with no long-range structural order; on the other hand …
MGs are amorphous materials with no long-range structural order; on the other hand …
Role of string-like collective atomic motion on diffusion and structural relaxation in glass forming Cu-Zr alloys
We investigate Cu-Zr liquid alloys using molecular dynamics simulation and well-accepted
embedded atom method potentials over a wide range of chemical composition and …
embedded atom method potentials over a wide range of chemical composition and …
Atomic-scale simulations of strain localization in three-dimensional model amorphous solids
Molecular-dynamics simulations of the mechanical properties of three different three-
dimensional metallic glass analogs reveal that each exhibits a transition from homogeneous …
dimensional metallic glass analogs reveal that each exhibits a transition from homogeneous …
Structural aspects of metallic glasses
A recent structural model reconciles apparently conflicting features of randomness, short-
range order, and medium-range order that coexist in metallic glasses. In this efficient cluster …
range order, and medium-range order that coexist in metallic glasses. In this efficient cluster …
Generalized localization model of relaxation in glass-forming liquids
Glassy solidification is characterized by two essential phenomena: localization of the
solidifying material's constituent particles and a precipitous increase in its structural …
solidifying material's constituent particles and a precipitous increase in its structural …
Interfacial dynamic length scales in the glass transition of a model freestanding polymer film and their connection to cooperative motion
RJ Lang, DS Simmons - Macromolecules, 2013 - ACS Publications
Nanoscale confinement alters the dynamics of glass-forming liquids in films of order 100 nm
in thickness. A common hypothesis for the origin of this long range posits that interfacial …
in thickness. A common hypothesis for the origin of this long range posits that interfacial …
How do quasicrystals grow?
AS Keys, SC Glotzer - Physical review letters, 2007 - APS
Using molecular simulations, we show that the aperiodic growth of quasicrystals is
controlled by the ability of the growing quasicrystal nucleus to incorporate kinetically trapped …
controlled by the ability of the growing quasicrystal nucleus to incorporate kinetically trapped …
Particle dynamics and the development of string-like motion in a simulated monoatomic supercooled liquid
Y Gebremichael, M Vogel, SC Glotzer - The Journal of chemical …, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
The microscopic details of local particle dynamics is studied in a glass-forming one
component supercooled liquid modeled by a Dzugutov potential developed for simple …
component supercooled liquid modeled by a Dzugutov potential developed for simple …
Medium-range structure and glass forming ability in Zr–Cu–Al bulk metallic glasses
Fluctuation electron microscopy experiments combined with hybrid reverse Monte Carlo
modeling show a correlation between medium-range structure at the nanometer scale and …
modeling show a correlation between medium-range structure at the nanometer scale and …
Antiplasticization and the elastic properties of glass-forming polymer liquids
We investigate the effect of antiplasticizer additives on long-wavelength thermodynamic
properties relating to the efficiency of molecular packing (density ρ and isothermal …
properties relating to the efficiency of molecular packing (density ρ and isothermal …