[PDF][PDF] A UML tool for an automatic generation of simulation programs

LB Arief, NA Speirs - Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on …, 2000 - dl.acm.org
ABSTRACT For sometime now, Unified Modelling Language (UML) has been accepted as a
standard for designing new systems. Its array of notations helps system designers to capture …

A simulation-based approach to software performance modeling

S Balsamo, M Marzolla - ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 2003 - dl.acm.org
Quantitative performance analysis of software systems should be integrated in the early
stages of the development process. We propose a simulation-based performance modeling …

[PDF][PDF] Simulation-based performance modeling of UML software architectures.

M Marzolla - 2005 - Citeseer
Quantitative analysis of software systems is being recognized as an important issue in the
software development process. Performance analysis can help to address quantitative …

[PDF][PDF] Simulation modeling of UML software architectures

S Balsamo, M Marzolla - Proc. of ESM, 2003 - Citeseer
Quantitative analysis of software systems is being recognized as an important issue in the
software development process. Performance analysis can help to address quantitative …

Toward on-demand wafer fab simulation using formal structure & behavior models

E Huang, KS Kwon, L McGinnis - 2008 Winter Simulation …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Contemporary factories in capital intensive industries such as semiconductor manufacturing
are very complex, with many sources of risk. The highly competitive and global business …

Capturing simulation tool and application domain knowledge for automating simulation model creation

OG Batarseh, E Huang, L McGinnis - Journal of Simulation, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Model-driven architecture (MDA) is a contemporary strategy for software
development using three distinct kinds of models:(1) models expressing the problem to be …

[PDF][PDF] Towards performance evaluation of mobile systems in UML

S Balsamo, M Marzolla - The European Simulation and Modelling …, 2003 - dsi.unive.it
The current generation of network-centric applications exhibits an increasingly higher
degree of mobility. Wireless networks allow devices to move from one location to another …

A framework for supporting automatic simulation generation from design

LB Arief - 2001 - theses.ncl.ac.uk
Building a new software system requires careful planning and investigation in order to avoid
any problems in the later stages of the development. By using a universally accepted design …

[PDF][PDF] Towards simulation-based performance modeling of uml specifications

S Balsamo, M Grosso, M Marzolla - Technical Report, Dipartimento …, 2003 - academia.edu
Quantitative analysis of software systems is being recognized as an important issue in the
software development process. Performance analysis can help to address quantitative …

[PDF][PDF] Architectural patterns for parallel programming

JLO Arjona, G Roberts - Proceedings of EuroPLoP'98, 1998 - lya.fciencias.unam.mx
Parallel Programming relies on the coordination of computing resources, so that they
simultaneously work towards a common objective. Achieving this requires extra effort from …