Numerical analysis of hemivariational inequalities in contact mechanics

W Han, M Sofonea - Acta Numerica, 2019 -
Contact phenomena arise in a variety of industrial process and engineering applications.
For this reason, contact mechanics has attracted substantial attention from research …

Isogeometric contact: a review

L De Lorenzis, P Wriggers, TJR Hughes - GAMM‐Mitteilungen, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper reviews the currently available computational contact formulations within the
framework of isogeometric analysis (IGA). As opposed to conventional Lagrange …

[KNYGA][B] Computational contact mechanics

P Wriggers, TA Laursen - 2006 - Springer
Contact mechanics has its application in many engineering problems. No one can walk
without frictional contact, and no car would move for the same reason. Hence contact …

[HTML][HTML] A swarming neural network computing approach to solve the Zika virus model

Z Sabir, SA Bhat, MAZ Raja, SE Alhazmi - Engineering Applications of …, 2023 - Elsevier
In this work, a swarming computational procedure is presented for the numerical treatment of
the dynamical model of the susceptible, exposed, infected, and recovered (SEIR) classes …

[KNYGA][B] Semismooth Newton methods for variational inequalities and constrained optimization problems in function spaces

M Ulbrich - 2011 - SIAM
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of a very successful class of methods for
solving optimization problems with PDE and inequality constraints as well as variational …

Contact treatment in isogeometric analysis with NURBS

I Temizer, P Wriggers, TJR Hughes - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2011 - Elsevier
We study NURBS-based isogeometric analysis of contact problems and compare with
standard C0-continuous Lagrange finite elements. A knot-to-surface (KTS) algorithm is …

A large deformation frictional contact formulation using NURBS‐based isogeometric analysis

L De Lorenzis, İ Temizer, P Wriggers… - … Journal for Numerical …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This paper focuses on the application of NURBS‐based isogeometric analysis to Coulomb
frictional contact problems between deformable bodies, in the context of large deformations …

Variationally consistent discretization schemes and numerical algorithms for contact problems

B Wohlmuth - Acta Numerica, 2011 -
We consider variationally consistent discretization schemes for mechanical contact
problems. Most of the results can also be applied to other variational inequalities, such as …

Three-dimensional mortar-based frictional contact treatment in isogeometric analysis with NURBS

I Temizer, P Wriggers, TJR Hughes - Computer Methods in Applied …, 2012 - Elsevier
A three-dimensional mortar-based frictional contact treatment in isogeometric analysis with
NURBS is presented in the finite deformation regime. Within a setting where the NURBS …

A mortar formulation for 3D large deformation contact using NURBS-based isogeometric analysis and the augmented Lagrangian method

L De Lorenzis, P Wriggers, G Zavarise - Computational Mechanics, 2012 - Springer
NURBS-based isogeometric analysis is applied to 3D frictionless large deformation contact
problems. The contact constraints are treated with a mortar-based approach combined with …