Cryptospores and cryptophytes reveal hidden diversity in early land floras
Cryptospores, recovered from Ordovician through Devonian rocks, differ from trilete spores
in possessing distinctive configurations (ie hilate monads, dyads, and permanent tetrads) …
in possessing distinctive configurations (ie hilate monads, dyads, and permanent tetrads) …
Piecing together the eophytes–a new group of ancient plants containing cryptospores
The earliest evidence for land plants comes from dispersed cryptospores from the
Ordovician, which dominated assemblages for 60 million years. Direct evidence of their …
Ordovician, which dominated assemblages for 60 million years. Direct evidence of their …
Sporophytes of polysporangiate land plants from the early Silurian period may have been photosynthetically autonomous
The colonization of land by vascular plants is an extremely important phase in Earth's life
history. This key evolutionary process is thought to have begun during the Middle Cambrian …
history. This key evolutionary process is thought to have begun during the Middle Cambrian …
Picking up the pieces: New charcoalified plant mesofossils (eophytes) from a Lower Devonian Lagerstӓtte in the Welsh Borderland, UK
The discovery of land plant spores with permanent tetrad and dyad configurations in Middle
Ordovician rocks indicated a pioneering phase of phytoterrestrialisation that predated trilete …
Ordovician rocks indicated a pioneering phase of phytoterrestrialisation that predated trilete …
Earliest record of transfer cells in Lower Devonian plants
Key sources of information on the nature of early terrestrial ecosystems are the fossilized
remains of plants and associated organic encrustations, which are interpreted as either …
remains of plants and associated organic encrustations, which are interpreted as either …
Contributions to the diversity in cryptogamic covers in the mid-Palaeozoic: Nematothallus revisited
D Edwards, L Axe, R Honegger - Botanical Journal of the …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Compression fossils from the Silurian and Devonian of southern Britain, composed of
cuticles and tubes, were described by WH Lang as the genus Nematothallus and placed …
cuticles and tubes, were described by WH Lang as the genus Nematothallus and placed …
Evidence for a fungal affinity for Nematasketum, a close ally of Prototaxites
D Edwards, L Axe - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012 - academic.oup.com
As part of a project investigating diversity in early terrestrial vegetation, new specimens of
the enigmatic, non-embryophyte Nematasketum diversiforme have been described from …
the enigmatic, non-embryophyte Nematasketum diversiforme have been described from …
The dawn of terrestrial ecosystems on Baltica: first report on land plant remains and arthropod coprolites from the Upper Silurian of Gotland, Sweden
J Hagström, K Mehlqvist - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology …, 2012 - Elsevier
Sporangia, with their in situ cryptospores, spore masses, and a possible axis were identified
in marginal marine Ludlovian deposits from Gotland, Sweden by means of light-and …
in marginal marine Ludlovian deposits from Gotland, Sweden by means of light-and …
An analysis of vegetational change in the Lower Devonian: new data from the Lochkovian of the Welsh Borderland, UK
A recently excavated field near the hamlet of Craswall in Herefordshire, south of Hay-on-
Wye, has yielded abundant fossil plants. They are preserved in sandstone and siltstone …
Wye, has yielded abundant fossil plants. They are preserved in sandstone and siltstone …
Selective feeding in an Early Devonian terrestrial ecosystem
Short chains of discoidal, rarely spheroidal, structures, recovered by acid maceration of
Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) siltstones from the Welsh Borderland are interpreted as …
Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) siltstones from the Welsh Borderland are interpreted as …