Setting the scientific stage for esports psychology: A systematic review
Competitive gaming, better known as electronic sports (esports), is rapidly growing in
popularity. We systematically reviewed the available literature regarding the psychological …
popularity. We systematically reviewed the available literature regarding the psychological …
Commercial video games and cognitive functions: video game genres and modulating factors of cognitive enhancement
Background Unlike the emphasis on negative results of video games such as the impulsive
engagement in video games, cognitive training studies in individuals with cognitive deficits …
engagement in video games, cognitive training studies in individuals with cognitive deficits …
The Effects of Video Games in Memory and Attention.
C Kefalis, EZ Kontostavlou… - International Journal of …, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is ubiquitous. Technologies
like video games have become very popular not only with the young generation but also …
like video games have become very popular not only with the young generation but also …
A new look at the cognitive neuroscience of video game play
A growing body of literature has investigated the effects of playing video games on brain
function and behavior. One key takeaway from this literature has been that not all …
function and behavior. One key takeaway from this literature has been that not all …
Physical and psychological factors related to player's health and performance in esports: A sco** review
M Sanz-Matesanz, GM Gea-García… - Computers in Human …, 2023 - Elsevier
The aim of this sco** review was to analyse all academic publications concerning players'
physical and psychological health and performance-related variables in esports. A total of …
physical and psychological health and performance-related variables in esports. A total of …
Need frustration, gaming motives, and internet gaming disorder in mobile multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games: Through the lens of self-determination theory
Playing mobile MOBA games has become a popular leisure activity among Malaysian youth.
However, MOBA games are highly addictive and have negative impacts on adult …
However, MOBA games are highly addictive and have negative impacts on adult …
The tangled ways to classify games: A systematic review of how games are classified in psychological research
In the face of the rapid evolution of the gaming market and the puzzling overlap of genres,
consistency in classification seems elusive. The purpose of the present review was to …
consistency in classification seems elusive. The purpose of the present review was to …
Cognitive flexibility and decision making predicts expertise in the MOBA esport, League of Legends
C Valls-Serrano, C de Francisco… - Sage …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
In recent years, esports (the competitive video game industry) have evolved significantly,
revolutionizing not only the competitive scene but also the teams and their professional staff …
revolutionizing not only the competitive scene but also the teams and their professional staff …
Impact of action video gaming behavior on attention, anxiety, and sleep among university students
F Alsaad, L Binkhamis, A Alsalman… - Psychology research …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Background Recently, there has been an increase in the prevalence of action video gaming
among adolescents and young adults. This has made video gaming a topic of interest for …
among adolescents and young adults. This has made video gaming a topic of interest for …
Comparison of reaction time between esports players of different genres and sportsmen
P Bickmann, K Wechsler, K Rudolf, C Tholl… - International Journal of …, 2021 - igi-global.com
Quick reactions are considered important in both, traditional and electronic sports and
research findings suggest that reaction time can be optimized by both sports activity and …
research findings suggest that reaction time can be optimized by both sports activity and …