A comprehensive survey on deep graph representation learning
Graph representation learning aims to effectively encode high-dimensional sparse graph-
structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has …
structured data into low-dimensional dense vectors, which is a fundamental task that has …
Comprehensive evaluation of deep and graph learning on drug–drug interactions prediction
Recent advances and achievements of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as deep and graph
learning models have established their usefulness in biomedical applications, especially in …
learning models have established their usefulness in biomedical applications, especially in …
Few-shot molecular property prediction via hierarchically structured learning on relation graphs
This paper studies few-shot molecular property prediction, which is a fundamental problem
in cheminformatics and drug discovery. More recently, graph neural network based model …
in cheminformatics and drug discovery. More recently, graph neural network based model …
Hierarchical molecular graph self-supervised learning for property prediction
X Zang, X Zhao, B Tang - Communications Chemistry, 2023 - nature.com
Molecular graph representation learning has shown considerable strength in molecular
analysis and drug discovery. Due to the difficulty of obtaining molecular property labels, pre …
analysis and drug discovery. Due to the difficulty of obtaining molecular property labels, pre …
Geometric deep learning for drug discovery
Drug discovery is a time-consuming and expensive process. With the development of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, molecular Geometric Deep Learning (GDL) has …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, molecular Geometric Deep Learning (GDL) has …
SELFormer: molecular representation learning via SELFIES language models
Automated computational analysis of the vast chemical space is critical for numerous fields
of research such as drug discovery and material science. Representation learning …
of research such as drug discovery and material science. Representation learning …
Pre-training with fractional denoising to enhance molecular property prediction
Deep learning methods have been considered promising for accelerating molecular
screening in drug discovery and material design. Due to the limited availability of labelled …
screening in drug discovery and material design. Due to the limited availability of labelled …
Graph-based molecular representation learning
Molecular representation learning (MRL) is a key step to build the connection between
machine learning and chemical science. In particular, it encodes molecules as numerical …
machine learning and chemical science. In particular, it encodes molecules as numerical …
Lovász principle for unsupervised graph representation learning
This paper focuses on graph-level representation learning that aims to represent graphs as
vectors that can be directly utilized in downstream tasks such as graph classification. We …
vectors that can be directly utilized in downstream tasks such as graph classification. We …
Fractional denoising for 3d molecular pre-training
Coordinate denoising is a promising 3D molecular pre-training method, which has achieved
remarkable performance in various downstream drug discovery tasks. Theoretically, the …
remarkable performance in various downstream drug discovery tasks. Theoretically, the …