[HTML][HTML] Climate change effects on multi-taxa pollinator diversity and distribution along the elevation gradient of Mount Olympus, Greece
Climate change is predicted to dramatically affect mountain biodiversity and especially
mountain pollination systems due to the mutual dependence between plants and pollinators …
mountain pollination systems due to the mutual dependence between plants and pollinators …
Current state of knowledge and conservation perspectives on the cetaceans of the Aegean Sea
The underwater habitat complexity of the Aegean Sea renders it home to a diversity of
cetacean species. From shallow-diving piscivores to teuthophagous deep divers, this sea …
cetacean species. From shallow-diving piscivores to teuthophagous deep divers, this sea …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the reliability of species distribution models under changing environments: A case study on cetaceans in the North-East Atlantic
Species Distribution Models (SDMs) assume stable relationships between species and their
environment from which predictions are made. These relationships are likely to vary with …
environment from which predictions are made. These relationships are likely to vary with …
[HTML][HTML] Passive acoustic surveys demonstrate high densities of sperm whales off the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA in winter and spring
Oceans are increasingly crowded by anthropogenic activities yet the impact on Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) marine life remains largely unquantified. The MAPS (Marine …
Continental Shelf (OCS) marine life remains largely unquantified. The MAPS (Marine …
[PDF][PDF] Modélisation d'habitat des cachalots, Physeter macrocephalus, en Méditerranée à partir de données acoustiques
C LEREBOURG - researchgate.net
Sommaire Remerciements Liste des Figures et Tableaux Liste des symboles et abréviations
utilisés dans le texte Introduction …
utilisés dans le texte Introduction …