[HTML][HTML] Climate change effects on multi-taxa pollinator diversity and distribution along the elevation gradient of Mount Olympus, Greece

K Minachilis, K Kougioumoutzis, T Petanidou - Ecological Indicators, 2021 - Elsevier
Climate change is predicted to dramatically affect mountain biodiversity and especially
mountain pollination systems due to the mutual dependence between plants and pollinators …

Current state of knowledge and conservation perspectives on the cetaceans of the Aegean Sea

I Foskolos, KC Gkikopoulou, A Frantzis - The Aegean Sea Environment …, 2020 - Springer
The underwater habitat complexity of the Aegean Sea renders it home to a diversity of
cetacean species. From shallow-diving piscivores to teuthophagous deep divers, this sea …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing the reliability of species distribution models under changing environments: A case study on cetaceans in the North-East Atlantic

R Pigeault, M Authier, NC Ramirez-Martinez… - Global Ecology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Species Distribution Models (SDMs) assume stable relationships between species and their
environment from which predictions are made. These relationships are likely to vary with …

[HTML][HTML] Passive acoustic surveys demonstrate high densities of sperm whales off the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA in winter and spring

O Boisseau, D Nowacek, DA Pabst, J Roberts… - Marine Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
Oceans are increasingly crowded by anthropogenic activities yet the impact on Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) marine life remains largely unquantified. The MAPS (Marine …

[PDF][PDF] Modélisation d'habitat des cachalots, Physeter macrocephalus, en Méditerranée à partir de données acoustiques

C LEREBOURG - researchgate.net
Sommaire Remerciements Liste des Figures et Tableaux Liste des symboles et abréviations
utilisés dans le texte Introduction …