Seventy years of Hall-Petch, ninety years of superplasticity and a generalized approach to the effect of grain size on flow stress
The grain size, and therefore the grain boundary density, is known to play a major role in the
flow stress of metallic materials. A linear relationship to the inverse of the square root of the …
flow stress of metallic materials. A linear relationship to the inverse of the square root of the …
Structural evolutions of metallic materials processed by severe plastic deformation
Abstract Bulk nanostructured (ns)/ultrafine-grained (UFG) metallic materials possess very
high strength, making them attractive for high strength, lightweight and energy efficient …
high strength, making them attractive for high strength, lightweight and energy efficient …
Simultaneously enhancing strength and ductility of HCP titanium via multi-modal grain induced extra< c+ a> dislocation hardening
According to Considère necking criterion, enhancing strength of a material will decrease its
elongation to failure, ie ductility, even if the strain hardening rate remains unchanged …
elongation to failure, ie ductility, even if the strain hardening rate remains unchanged …
Metal matrix composites reinforced by nano-particles—a review
Metal matrix composites reinforced by nano-particles are very promising materials, suitable
for a large number of applications. These composites consist of a metal matrix filled with …
for a large number of applications. These composites consist of a metal matrix filled with …
Methods for improving ductility of tungsten-A review
Pure tungsten and tungsten alloys with minor alloying additions are known to be brittle at
room temperature and have high ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures (DBTT). Improving …
room temperature and have high ductile-to-brittle transition temperatures (DBTT). Improving …
Principles of equal-channel angular pressing as a processing tool for grain refinement
During the last decade, equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) has emerged as a widely-
known procedure for the fabrication of ultrafine-grained metals and alloys. This review …
known procedure for the fabrication of ultrafine-grained metals and alloys. This review …
[HTML][HTML] Deformation mechanisms in ultrafine-grained metals with an emphasis on the Hall–Petch relationship and strain rate sensitivity
Ultrafine-grained materials display almost no strain hardening, an enhanced strain rate
sensitivity and grain boundary offsets during plastic deformation. It is expected that …
sensitivity and grain boundary offsets during plastic deformation. It is expected that …
Nanostructuring of metals by severe plastic deformation for advanced properties
R Valiev - Nature materials, 2004 -
Despite rosy prospects, the use of nanostructured metals and alloys as advanced structural
and functional materials has remained controversial until recently. Only in recent years has a …
and functional materials has remained controversial until recently. Only in recent years has a …
Nanostructural hierarchy increases the strength of aluminium alloys
Increasing the strength of metallic alloys while maintaining formability is an interesting
challenge for enabling new generations of lightweight structures and technologies. In this …
challenge for enabling new generations of lightweight structures and technologies. In this …
Paradox of strength and ductility in metals processed bysevere plastic deformation
It is well known that plastic deformation induced by conventional forming methodssuch as
rolling, drawing or extrusion can significantly increase the strength of metalsHowever, this …
rolling, drawing or extrusion can significantly increase the strength of metalsHowever, this …