Features and futures of X-ray free-electron lasers

N Huang, H Deng, B Liu, D Wang, Z Zhao - The Innovation, 2021 - cell.com
Linear accelerator-based free-electron lasers (FELs) are the leading source of fully coherent
X-rays with ultra-high peak powers and ultra-short pulse lengths. Current X-ray FEL facilities …

Linac coherent light source: The first five years

C Bostedt, S Boutet, DM Fritz, Z Huang, HJ Lee… - Reviews of Modern …, 2016 - APS
A new scientific frontier opened in 2009 with the start of operations of the world's first x-ray
free-electron laser (FEL), the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), at SLAC National …

Highly coherent and stable pulses from the FERMI seeded free-electron laser in the extreme ultraviolet

E Allaria, R Appio, L Badano, WA Barletta… - Nature …, 2012 - nature.com
Free-electron lasers (FELs) are promising devices for generating light with laser-like
properties in the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectral regions. Recently, FELs based on the …

The physics of x-ray free-electron lasers

C Pellegrini, A Marinelli, S Reiche - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2016 - APS
X-ray free-electron lasers (x-ray FELs) give us for the first time the possibility to explore
structures and dynamical processes of atomic and molecular systems at the angstrom …

Coherent soft X-ray pulses from an echo-enabled harmonic generation free-electron laser

P Rebernik Ribič, A Abrami, L Badano, M Bossi… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs), which amplify light emitted by a relativistic electron beam,
are extending nonlinear optical techniques to shorter wavelengths, adding element …

Femtosecond all-optical synchronization of an X-ray free-electron laser

S Schulz, I Grguraš, C Behrens, H Bromberger… - Nature …, 2015 - nature.com
Many advanced applications of X-ray free-electron lasers require pulse durations and time
resolutions of only a few femtoseconds. To generate these pulses and to apply them in time …

Review of fully coherent free-electron lasers

C Feng, HX Deng - Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2018 - Springer
Generation of intense, fully coherent radiation with wide spectral coverage has been a long-
standing challenge for laser technologies. Several techniques have been developed in …

Beam by design: Laser manipulation of electrons in modern accelerators

E Hemsing, G Stupakov, D **ang, A Zholents - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2014 - APS
Accelerator-based light sources such as storage rings and free-electron lasers use
relativistic electron beams to produce intense radiation over a wide spectral range for …

[HTML][HTML] The SXFEL upgrade: from test facility to user facility

B Liu, C Feng, D Gu, F Gao, H Deng, M Zhang, S Sun… - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
The Shanghai soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser facility (SXFEL), which is the first X-ray FEL
facility in China, is being constructed in two phases: the test facility (SXFEL-TF) and the user …

Laguerre-gaussian mode laser heater for microbunching instability suppression in free-electron lasers

J Tang, R Lemons, W Liu, S Vetter, T Maxwell… - Physical review …, 2020 - APS
Microbunching instability (MBI) driven by beam collective effects is known to be detrimental
to high-brightness storage rings, linacs, and free-electron lasers (FELs). One known way to …