Ultrafast dynamics during the photoinduced phase transition in VO2
The phase transition of VO 2 from a monoclinic insulator to a rutile metal, which occurs
thermally at TC= 340 K, can also be driven by strong photoexcitation. The ultrafast dynamics …
thermally at TC= 340 K, can also be driven by strong photoexcitation. The ultrafast dynamics …
Coherent phonons in condensed media
The impulsive excitation and phase-sensitive detection of coherent phonons and phonon-
polaritons provide a detailed insight into the dynamical properties of matter. The …
polaritons provide a detailed insight into the dynamical properties of matter. The …
Evidence for a structurally-driven insulator-to-metal transition in : A view from the ultrafast timescale
We apply ultrafast spectroscopy to establish a time-domain hierarchy between structural and
electronic effects in a strongly correlated electron system. We discuss the case of the model …
electronic effects in a strongly correlated electron system. We discuss the case of the model …
Generating coherent THz phonons with light pulses
R Merlin - Solid state communications, 1997 - Elsevier
We present an overview of experimental work and discuss the theory of femtosecond-pulse
generation of coherent optical phonons. Recent developments and differences between …
generation of coherent optical phonons. Recent developments and differences between …
Ultrafast changes in lattice symmetry probed by coherent phonons
The electronic and structural properties of a material are strongly determined by its
symmetry. Changing the symmetry via a photoinduced phase transition offers new ways to …
symmetry. Changing the symmetry via a photoinduced phase transition offers new ways to …
Size dependent properties of Au particles: Coherent excitation and dephasing of acoustic vibrational modes
JH Hodak, A Henglein, GV Hartland - The Journal of chemical physics, 1999 - pubs.aip.org
Ultrafast laser spectroscopy has been used to characterize the low frequency acoustic
breathing modes of Au particles, with diameters between 8 and 120 nm. It is shown that …
breathing modes of Au particles, with diameters between 8 and 120 nm. It is shown that …
Dynamics of coherent anharmonic phonons in bismuth using high density photoexcitation
M Hase, M Kitajima, S Nakashima, K Mizoguchi - Physical review letters, 2002 - APS
We have investigated the dynamical properties of the coherent anharmonic phonons
generated in Bi under high density excitation. The time-resolved reflectivity in the intensely …
generated in Bi under high density excitation. The time-resolved reflectivity in the intensely …
Impulsive softening of coherent phonons in tellurium
We investigate the dynamics of coherent optical phonons in tellurium after high-density
excitation with femtosecond laser pulses. The data show a continuous redshift of the phonon …
excitation with femtosecond laser pulses. The data show a continuous redshift of the phonon …
Coherent and incoherent excitations of the Gd (0001) surface on ultrafast timescales
U Bovensiepen - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
The dynamics of collective excitations of electrons, phonons, and spins are of fundamental
interest to develop a microscopic understanding of interactions among elementary …
interest to develop a microscopic understanding of interactions among elementary …
Ultrafast optical manipulation of atomic arrangements in chalcogenide alloy memory materials
A class of chalcogenide alloy materials that shows significant changes in optical properties
upon an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition has lead to development of large data …
upon an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition has lead to development of large data …