Avian vocalisations: the female perspective
Research on avian vocalisations has traditionally focused on male song produced by oscine
passerines. However, accumulating evidence indicates that complex vocalisations can …
passerines. However, accumulating evidence indicates that complex vocalisations can …
A review of the literature on female birdsong function
Growing research on the function of female birdsong now allows for identification of large-
scale patterns emerging in the published literature. We conducted a review that analysed …
scale patterns emerging in the published literature. We conducted a review that analysed …
Communication in animal social networks: a missing link?
Social interactions are central in the lives of many animals. Social partners can lower
individual stress levels (Rault, 2012), a process known in humans and primates as social …
individual stress levels (Rault, 2012), a process known in humans and primates as social …
The function of ultrasonic vocalizations during territorial defence by pair-bonded male and female California mice
Acoustic communication is vital to complex social behaviours such as territorial defence. The
use of ultrasonic vocalizations, particularly in territorial defence by monogamous species …
use of ultrasonic vocalizations, particularly in territorial defence by monogamous species …
Female song rates in response to simulated intruder are positively related to reproductive success
Bird song is well studied in males as a sexually selected behavior. However, although song
is also common among females, it is infrequently examined and poorly understood …
is also common among females, it is infrequently examined and poorly understood …
Female and male plumage colour signals aggression in a dichromatic tropical songbird
Highlights•Our understanding of female signals and sex differences is still limited.•We used
a mirror image test to study whether plumage colour signals aggression.•Both sexes were …
a mirror image test to study whether plumage colour signals aggression.•Both sexes were …
A new statistical method to test equivalence: an application in male and female eastern bluebird song
Highlights•Although understudied, recent studies suggest that female birdsong is
widespread.•We compared male and female song using a novel statistical equivalence …
widespread.•We compared male and female song using a novel statistical equivalence …
Female song and aggression show contrasting relationships to reproductive success when habitat quality differs
Though well studied in males, little is known about the factors influencing variation in
expression of exaggerated traits such as intense aggression, elaborate ornaments, and …
expression of exaggerated traits such as intense aggression, elaborate ornaments, and …
Females sing more often and at higher frequencies than males in Australian magpies
Birdsong is a particularly useful model for animal communication studies. However, current
knowledge is derived mainly from the study of male song, and is therefore incomplete. Here …
knowledge is derived mainly from the study of male song, and is therefore incomplete. Here …
Duetting behavior in a Neotropical ovenbird: sexual and seasonal variation and adaptive signaling functions
Duetting is a collective behavior and might have multiple functions, including joint territory
defense and mate guarding. An important step toward understanding the adaptive function …
defense and mate guarding. An important step toward understanding the adaptive function …