[HTML][HTML] Conjunction agreement and the coordinate structure constraint

Z Shen - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2023 - glossa-journal.org
A long-standing question in syntax is what role linear order plays in a hierarchical grammar.
Phenomena that on the surface show sensitivity to linear order have been particularly …

[HTML][HTML] How to agree with a QNP

I Driemel, J Stojković - Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 2019 - glossa-journal.org
This paper focuses on the great variety of φ-agreement patterns and case alternations
quantified noun phrases trigger in Serbo-Croatian. Novel data from Serbo-Croatian are …

[CITATA][C] The Coordinate Structure Constraint: not a constraint on movement

D Sportiche - 2024

[CITATA][C] Coordinate structure constraint and conjunction agreement