Acculturation and sexual attitudes: A systematic review

A Blanc - Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2021 - Springer
Introduction The culture plays an important role in sexuality. Although each ethnocultural
group has its own sexual attitudes, in multicultural contexts, the acculturation process could …

Sexual attitudes, religious commitment, and sexual risk behaviours among college-aged women

J Armstrong, S Thorpe, D Williams - Journal of Gender Studies, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Sexual double standards tend to marginalize women and restrict their sexual expression in
comparison to men. Sexual attitudes can heavily influence women's propensity to engage in …

Religiosity and well-being among Mexican-born and US-born Mexicans: A qualitative investigation.

O Moreno, E Cardemil - Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 2018 -
En este estudio, 40 latinas/os de origen mexicano (20 nacidos en México y 20 nacidos en
los Estados Unidos) del suroeste de los Estados Unidos participaron en una entrevista …

Religiosity, sexual behaviors, sexual motivations, and gender: A three‐year longitudinal study

V Hanna‐Walker, TL Walters, R Wesche… - Journal of Research …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Longitudinal data are critical for examining associations of religiosity with sexual behaviors
and motivations during college. We use hierarchical linear modeling on five semesters of …

What's religion got to do with it? Exploring college students' sexual and reproductive health knowledge and awareness of sexual and reproductive health services in …

N Martin, L Baralt, C Garrido-Ortega - Journal of religion and health, 2018 - Springer
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between religiosity and sexual
and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge and awareness of campus SRH services among …

Promoción de estilos de vida saludables entre estudiantes universitarios

PD Perez - Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, 2022 -
(8) realizado por Cáceres Codoceo y Morales Ojeda en Chile reporta sobre patrones de
estilo de vida entre estudiantes universitarios asociados a una organización religiosa …

Religion and Spirituality in University Students: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

AB Duche-Pérez, CY Vera-Revilla… - … Journal of Religion …, 2024 -
Universities are spaces of great cultural and religious diversity where university students are
in a crucial phase of personal development and identity formation. Understanding the …

The Role of sexual self-control as moderator between sexual desire and premarital sexual behaviors

CK Sari, MS Tondok, D Muttaqin - Jurnal Psikologi, 2020 -
Sexual desire can be one of the antecedents for individual premarital sexual behavior.
Otherwise, sexual self-control can prevent individuals from engaging premarital sexual …

Religiosity and sexual initiation among Hispanic adolescents: The role of sexual attitudes

M Calatrava, C Beltramo, A Osorio… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Introduction: Religiosity and sexuality present numerous interconnections. Little is known
regarding the specific causal pathways between each religiosity dimension and sexual …