[HTML][HTML] Phytoremediation of heavy metals: an indispensable contrivance in green remediation technology
Environmental contamination is triggered by various anthropogenic activities, such as using
pesticides, toxic chemicals, industrial effluents, and metals. Pollution not only affects both …
pesticides, toxic chemicals, industrial effluents, and metals. Pollution not only affects both …
Potentially toxic elements contamination in surface sediment and indigenous aquatic macrophytes of the Bahmanshir River, Iran: Appraisal of phytoremediation …
To determine the status and sources of contamination and phytoremediation capability of
Typha latifolia L. in the Bahmanshir River of Iran, the concentration of eight potentially toxic …
Typha latifolia L. in the Bahmanshir River of Iran, the concentration of eight potentially toxic …
Evaluation of metal accumulation in Terme River sediments using ecological indices and a bioindicator species
Freshwater resources are hotspot areas for sustainable water use. Surface sediment
samples from four stations in Terme River were collected seasonally between April 2019 …
samples from four stations in Terme River were collected seasonally between April 2019 …
Phytoremediation capability of Typha latifolia L. to uptake sediment toxic elements in the largest coastal wetland of the Persian Gulf
The present study evaluated the status of sediment toxicity and pollution, and the
phytoremediation capability of Typha latifolia L.(TlL) within the largest coastal wetland in the …
phytoremediation capability of Typha latifolia L.(TlL) within the largest coastal wetland in the …
Innovative lake pollution profiling: unveiling pollutant sources through advanced multivariate clustering techniques
In many developed and develo** nations, lakes are the primary source of drinking water.
In the current scenario, due to rapid mobilization in anthropogenic activities, lakes are …
In the current scenario, due to rapid mobilization in anthropogenic activities, lakes are …
Review on Management of Heavy Metal Contaminated Sediment: Remediation Strategies and Reuse Potential
The accumulation of contaminants in aquatic sediments poses a significant threat to
ecosystem health and human well-being. This review paper aims to provide a …
ecosystem health and human well-being. This review paper aims to provide a …
Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Element Distribution in Hydrobios
C Hu, C Lai, R Yu, Y Chen, Z Shen, W Lu, X Yuan - Toxics, 2024 - mdpi.com
At a time when heavy metal pollution is increasing, assessing the levels of contamination
and associated health risks is crucial. Samples of water, aquatic plants, and fish were …
and associated health risks is crucial. Samples of water, aquatic plants, and fish were …
Pollution and potential ecological risk evaluation of heavy metals in the bottom sediments: a case study of Eutrophic Bukwałd Lake located in an agricultural …
Metals are natural components of the earth's crust and are essential elements in the
metabolism of fauna and flora. However, some metals at high concentrations may pose an …
metabolism of fauna and flora. However, some metals at high concentrations may pose an …
Physio-anatomical modifications and element allocation pattern in Alternanthera tenella Colla. associated with phytoextraction of chromium
Intensive industrial activities have elevated chromium (Cr) concentrations in the
environment, particularly in soil and water, posing a significant threat due to its cytotoxic and …
environment, particularly in soil and water, posing a significant threat due to its cytotoxic and …
Ecological risk, health risk assessment, and pollution source analysis of **nli Lake wetland based on triangular fuzzy number
Wetland environmental pollution has become a global problem involving the ecological
environment and human health. This study measured the concentration of seven potentially …
environment and human health. This study measured the concentration of seven potentially …