From theory to practice in pattern‐oriented modelling: Identifying and using empirical patterns in predictive models
To robustly predict the effects of disturbance and ecosystem changes on species, it is
necessary to produce structurally realistic models with high predictive power and flexibility …
necessary to produce structurally realistic models with high predictive power and flexibility …
Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions
Predation risk, the probability that a prey animal will be killed by a predator, is fundamental
to theoretical and applied ecology. Predation risk varies with animal behavior and …
to theoretical and applied ecology. Predation risk varies with animal behavior and …
A comprehensive analysis of autocorrelation and bias in home range estimation
Home range estimation is routine practice in ecological research. While advances in animal
tracking technology have increased our capacity to collect data to support home range …
tracking technology have increased our capacity to collect data to support home range …
A methodological roadmap to quantify animal‐vectored spatial ecosystem subsidies
Energy, nutrients and organisms move over landscapes, connecting ecosystems across
space and time. Meta‐ecosystem theory investigates the emerging properties of local …
space and time. Meta‐ecosystem theory investigates the emerging properties of local …
Social and environmental transmission spread different sets of gut microbes in wild mice
Gut microbes shape many aspects of organismal biology, yet how these key bacteria
transmit among hosts in natural populations remains poorly understood. Recent work in …
transmit among hosts in natural populations remains poorly understood. Recent work in …
Overcoming the challenge of small effective sample sizes in home‐range estimation
Technological advances have steadily increased the detail of animal tracking datasets, yet
fundamental data limitations exist for many species that cause substantial biases in home …
fundamental data limitations exist for many species that cause substantial biases in home …
Large‐scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region
Quantifying space use and segregation, as well as the extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting
them, is crucial to increase our knowledge of species‐specific movement ecology and to …
them, is crucial to increase our knowledge of species‐specific movement ecology and to …
Group size and composition influence collective movement in a highly social terrestrial bird
A challenge of group-living is to maintain cohesion while navigating through heterogeneous
landscapes. Larger groups benefit from information pooling, translating to greater 'collective …
landscapes. Larger groups benefit from information pooling, translating to greater 'collective …
Unsustainable anthropogenic mortality disrupts natal dispersal and promotes inbreeding in leopards
Anthropogenic mortality of wildlife is typically inferred from measures of the absolute decline
in population numbers. However, increasing evidence suggests that indirect demographic …
in population numbers. However, increasing evidence suggests that indirect demographic …
Scale-insensitive estimation of speed and distance traveled from animal tracking data
Background Speed and distance traveled provide quantifiable links between behavior and
energetics, and are among the metrics most routinely estimated from animal tracking data …
energetics, and are among the metrics most routinely estimated from animal tracking data …