Urban governance and the politics of climate change

VC Broto - World development, 2017 - Elsevier
Cities and urban areas are increasingly recognized as strategic arenas for climate change
action. Processes of urban governance addressing climate change reconfigure the politics …

Coupling biogeochemical cycles in urban environments: ecosystem services, green solutions, and misconceptions

DE Pataki, MM Carreiro, J Cherrier… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Urban green space is purported to offset greenhouse‐gas (GHG) emissions, remove air and
water pollutants, cool local climate, and improve public health. To use these services …

[HTML][HTML] A survey of urban climate change experiments in 100 cities

VC Broto, H Bulkeley - Global environmental change, 2013 - Elsevier
Cities are key sites where climate change is being addressed. Previous research has largely
overlooked the multiplicity of climate change responses emerging outside formal contexts of …

[PDF][PDF] Urban ecosystem services

E Gómez-Baggethun, Å Gren, DN Barton… - … and opportunities: A …, 2013 - library.oapen.org
We explore the potential of urban ecosystem services for improving resilience and quality of
life in cities. First, we classify and categorize important ecosystem services and disservices …

Cities and the governing of climate change

H Bulkeley - Annual review of environment and resources, 2010 - annualreviews.org
Studies of the urban governance of climate change have proliferated over the past decade,
as municipalities across the world increasingly place the issue on their agendas and private …

[Књига][B] Cities and climate change

H Bulkeley - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Climate change is one of the most significant global challenges facing the world today. It is
also a critical issue for the world's cities. Now home to over half the world's population, urban …

Something borrowed, everything new: innovation and institutionalization in urban climate governance

I Anguelovski, JA Carmin - Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 2011 - Elsevier
The traditional view of climate governance is that local action is shaped by international
agreements and national policies, the priorities of funders, and ideas advanced by …

Overcoming barriers to climate change adaptation—a question of multilevel governance?

H Amundsen, F Berglund… - … and Planning C …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper analyses the results from two surveys which were sent to all Norwegian
municipalities in 2007 and gives an overview of adaptation measures undertaken by local …

Cities and sustainability: Polycentric action and multilevel governance

GC Homsy, ME Warner - Urban affairs review, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Polycentric theory, as applied to sustainability policy adoption, contends that municipalities
will act independently to provide public services that protect the environment. Our multilevel …

[Књига][B] Sustainability

KE Portney - 2015 - books.google.com
A concise and accessible examination of sustainability in a range of contemporary contexts,
from economic development to government policy. The word “sustainability” has been …