Assessing coastal vulnerability to climate change-induced hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean: A comparative review of methodological approaches
Coastal zones are vital interfaces connecting land and sea, hosting diverse wildlife and
ecosystems. However, they face an increasing risk from sea-level rise, storm surges, and …
ecosystems. However, they face an increasing risk from sea-level rise, storm surges, and …
Assessing spatial thermal comfort and adaptation measures for the Antalya basin under climate change scenarios
The concrete damages of climate change are intensifying, and adaptation efforts of actors
around the world are increasing, especially in coastal regions. Recommending adaptation …
around the world are increasing, especially in coastal regions. Recommending adaptation …
Is the coastal vulnerability index a suitable index? Review and proposal of alternative indices for coastal vulnerability to sea level rise
Abstract The Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) has been widely applied around the world.
This study provides a review of the suitability of the variables and mathematical expression …
This study provides a review of the suitability of the variables and mathematical expression …
Coastal vulnerability assessment to multi hazards in the exposed coast of Southeastern Coastal Region of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a maritime nation situated on the northern side of the Bay of Bengal (BoB),
blessed with substantial natural resources and opportunities. However, natural disasters …
blessed with substantial natural resources and opportunities. However, natural disasters …
Coastal vulnerability assessment with a hierarchical coastal segments approach
Coastal vulnerability assessment is crucial for the effective planning and management of
coastal zones, particularly in the face of climate change and increasing coastal hazards …
coastal zones, particularly in the face of climate change and increasing coastal hazards …
[HTML][HTML] An index-based method to assess the resilience of Urban Areas to Coastal flooding: the case of Attica, Greece
The aim of this study is to assess the resilience of coastal urban areas and their exposure to
sea-level rise and coastal flooding, using the proposed Coastal Resilience Index (CResI) …
sea-level rise and coastal flooding, using the proposed Coastal Resilience Index (CResI) …
An integrated approach to the spatial distribution of the coastal infrastructure vulnerability by using coastal vulnerability index and hot spot analysis: A case study of …
In this study, a new methodology integrating spatial coastal vulnerability index (CVI) and hot
spot analysis was proposed for a comprehensive and holistic coastal infrastructure (natural …
spot analysis was proposed for a comprehensive and holistic coastal infrastructure (natural …
Integrated Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability in the Bonny Bay: A Combination of Traditional Methods (Simple and AHP) and Machine Learning Approach
The coast of Cameroon, located at the bottom of the Gulf of Guinea, is confronted with
coastal hazards whose magnitude, distribution, and consequences are currently largely …
coastal hazards whose magnitude, distribution, and consequences are currently largely …
Evaluation of coastal risks to Sea level rise: Case study of Nile Delta Coast
One of the most effective strategies for coastal management in Egypt is analyzing how the
Nile Delta shoreline is adapted for climate change and rising sea levels and identifying the …
Nile Delta shoreline is adapted for climate change and rising sea levels and identifying the …
Presentation and analysis of the Geotechnical Coastal Vulnerability Index and validation of its application to coastal erosion problems
This study aims to construct a coastal vulnerability assessment conceptual framework to
improve the outcomes of Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) for local scale areas …
improve the outcomes of Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) for local scale areas …