Hunting cooperation and Allee effects in predators

MT Alves, FM Hilker - Journal of theoretical biology, 2017 - Elsevier
Cooperation is a ubiquitous behavior in many biological systems and is well-known for
promoting Allee effects. However, few studies have paid attention to mechanisms inducing …

Infectious disease agents mediate interaction in food webs and ecosystems

S Selakovic, PC de Ruiter… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 -
Infectious agents are part of food webs and ecosystems via the relationship with their host
species that, in turn, interact with both hosts and non-hosts. Through these interactions …

Allee-induced bubbling phenomena in an interacting species model

G Mandal, LN Guin, S Chakravarty… - Chaos, Solitons & …, 2024 - Elsevier
In this study, the Allee effect and hyperbolic saturated competence among predators are
explored within a two-dimensional species interaction framework. The stability of the …

Dynamical inquest of refuge and bubbling issues in an interacting species system

G Mandal, LN Guin, S Chakravarty - Communications in Nonlinear Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
The ecological framework gains special interest in the dynamical complexity of a system of
interacting species influenced by the adventure of prey refuge along with alternative food …

A seasonally forced eco-epidemic model with disease in predator and incubation delay

P SEN, S SAMANTA, MY KHAN… - Journal of Biological …, 2023 - World Scientific
Our current research is based on the investigation of an eco-epidemiological model that
solely includes illness in predators. Predators, both healthy and diseased, are thought to …

Stabilization and complex dynamics in a predator–prey model with predator suffering from an infectious disease

BW Kooi, GAK van Voorn, K pada Das - Ecological Complexity, 2011 - Elsevier
We study the effects of a non-specified infectious disease of the predator on the dynamics a
predator–prey system, by evaluating the dynamics of a three-dimensional model. The …

Characterizing the next-generation matrix and basic reproduction number in ecological epidemiology

MG Roberts, JAP Heesterbeek - Journal of mathematical biology, 2013 - Springer
We address the interaction of ecological processes, such as consumer-resource
relationships and competition, and the epidemiology of infectious diseases spreading in …

Bubbling and hydra effect in a population system with Allee effect

K Garain, PS Mandal - Ecological Complexity, 2021 - Elsevier
We present a continuous time predator-prey model and predator's growth subjected to
component Allee effect. The model also includes density dependent mortality of predator …

Ecoepidemiology: a more comprehensive view of population interactions

E Venturino - Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2016 -
Models proposed for the description of population interactions with pathogenic agents are
presented. We review some basic quadratic-interactions models, then move to more …

A stage-structured predator-prey model with predation over juvenile prey

Y Lu, KA Pawelek, S Liu - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017 - Elsevier
We formulate and study a stage-structured predator-prey model of Beddington–DeAngelis-
type functional response to investigate the impact of predation over the immature prey by the …