The impact of the connected environment on driving behavior and safety: A driving simulator study
The connected environment provides surrounding traffic information to drivers via different
driving aids that are expected to improve driving behavior and assist in avoiding safety …
driving aids that are expected to improve driving behavior and assist in avoiding safety …
Traffic conflict prediction using connected vehicle data
Transportation safety studies have been mostly focused on using crash data that are rare
events. Alternatively, conflict estimation can be used to assess safety. This has been proven …
events. Alternatively, conflict estimation can be used to assess safety. This has been proven …
Use of real-world connected vehicle data in identifying high-risk locations based on a new surrogate safety measure
Traditional methods for the identification of high-risk locations rely heavily on historical crash
data. Rich information generated from connected vehicles could be used to obtain surrogate …
data. Rich information generated from connected vehicles could be used to obtain surrogate …
A Bayesian correlated grouped random parameters duration model with heterogeneity in the means for understanding braking behaviour in a connected environment
Driver's response to a pedestrian crossing requires braking, whereby both excess and
inadequate braking is directly associated with crash risk. The highly anticipated connected …
inadequate braking is directly associated with crash risk. The highly anticipated connected …
The safety performance of connected vehicles on slippery horizontal curves through enhancing truck drivers' situational awareness: A driving simulator experiment
Although drivers can adequately adjust their operating speed according to the road
curvature, they show a lack of recognition regarding the pavement friction conditions. In this …
curvature, they show a lack of recognition regarding the pavement friction conditions. In this …
Guidance-oriented advanced curve speed warning system in a connected vehicle environment
Connected Vehicles (CV) technology has been used to address safety issues on highway
horizontal curves. Existing curve warning systems are either using curve warning signs or …
horizontal curves. Existing curve warning systems are either using curve warning signs or …
Assessing surrogate safety measures using a safety pilot model deployment dataset
Emerging data sources such as Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) provide a great
opportunity to gain a better understanding of collision mechanisms and to develop novel …
opportunity to gain a better understanding of collision mechanisms and to develop novel …
Application of real field connected vehicle data for aggressive driving identification on horizontal curves
The emerging technology of connected vehicles generates a vast amount of data that could
be used to enhance roadway safety. In this paper, we focused on safety applications of a …
be used to enhance roadway safety. In this paper, we focused on safety applications of a …
Drivers' performance examination using a personalized adaptive curve speed warning: Driving simulator study
ABSTRACT A great number of traffic accidents occur during curve negotiation maneuvers.
Most of these accidents could be avoided if drivers are provided with information that better …
Most of these accidents could be avoided if drivers are provided with information that better …
Roadside sensing information enabled horizontal curve crash avoidance system based on connected and autonomous vehicle technology
Horizontal curves are a major cause of road departure crashes that lead to fatal and severe
injuries. Existing curve crash avoidance systems are typically enabled by displaying safety …
injuries. Existing curve crash avoidance systems are typically enabled by displaying safety …