ESG disclosure and firm performance: A bibliometric and meta analysis
MA Khan - Research in International Business and Finance, 2022 - Elsevier
Companies engage in ESG activities in order to achieve higher financial returns and to
signal compliance in the market. The link between ESG and firm financial performance is still …
signal compliance in the market. The link between ESG and firm financial performance is still …
How does firm ESG performance impact financial constraints? An experimental exploration of the COVID-19 pandemic
This research assesses the effects of COVID-19-associated shocks on financial constraints
and sustainable development goal (SDG) performance to shed light on the impact of SDGs …
and sustainable development goal (SDG) performance to shed light on the impact of SDGs …
ESG controversies and the cost of equity capital of European listed companies: the moderating effects of ESG performance and market securities regulation
F La Rosa, F Bernini - International Journal of Accounting & …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effect of environmental, social and governance
(ESG) controversies on the cost of equity (COE) capital, exploring the moderating role of …
(ESG) controversies on the cost of equity (COE) capital, exploring the moderating role of …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the asymmetric impact of sustainability reporting on financial performance in the utilities sector: A longitudinal comparative analysis
This paper explores the longitudinal impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance
(ESG) scores on company performance, considering firm value and financial accounting …
(ESG) scores on company performance, considering firm value and financial accounting …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of carbon emissions, environmental disclosures and CSR assurance on cost of equity in emerging markets
The objective of the paper is to empirically test the relation between carbon emissions,
environmental disclosures, assurance of sustainability reports and firms' Cost of Equity …
environmental disclosures, assurance of sustainability reports and firms' Cost of Equity …
Sustainability engagement in Latin America firms and cost of equity
Purpose Corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions are expected to reduce information
asymmetries and increase legitimacy among the stakeholders of the company, which …
asymmetries and increase legitimacy among the stakeholders of the company, which …
[HTML][HTML] The relationships among social, environmental, economic CSR practices and digitalization in polish energy companies
This paper explores relationships among CSR practices in the social, economic and
environmental dimensions and digitization in the Polish energy companies. The study used …
environmental dimensions and digitization in the Polish energy companies. The study used …
Calm after the storm? The role of social and environmental practices on small and medium enterprises resilience throughout COVID‐19 crisis
V Ferrón‐Vílchez… - Business Ethics, the …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This study aims to analyze whether resilient SMEs have been able to overcome the bump of
the COVID‐19 crisis in terms of profitability. When facing such unforeseen crises, SMEs …
the COVID‐19 crisis in terms of profitability. When facing such unforeseen crises, SMEs …
Climate change exposure, environmental performance, and the cost of capital in the energy sector: Fossil fuel versus renewable energy firms
As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the energy sector is expected to make
significant investments in green transformation to help combat climate change. However, the …
significant investments in green transformation to help combat climate change. However, the …
The “Six Ws” of sustainable development risks
M Gomez‐Valencia… - … Strategy and the …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Risk management in an organization represents a decisive function in seizing opportunities
and managing the risks that can affect a business's reputation, prosperity, growth, value …
and managing the risks that can affect a business's reputation, prosperity, growth, value …