Quantum circuit optimization with alphatensor
A key challenge in realizing fault-tolerant quantum computers is circuit optimization.
Focusing on the most expensive gates in fault-tolerant quantum computation (namely, the T …
Focusing on the most expensive gates in fault-tolerant quantum computation (namely, the T …
Lower -count with faster algorithms
V Vandaele - arxiv preprint arxiv:2407.08695, 2024 - arxiv.org
Among the cost metrics characterizing a quantum circuit, the $ T $-count stands out as one
of the most crucial as its minimization is particularly important in various areas of quantum …
of the most crucial as its minimization is particularly important in various areas of quantum …
Resource optimized quantum squaring circuit
A Sultana, E Muñoz-Coreas - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2025 - Springer
Quantum squaring operation is a useful building block in implementing quantum algorithms
such as linear regression, regularized least squares algorithm, order-finding algorithm …
such as linear regression, regularized least squares algorithm, order-finding algorithm …
Graph optimization perspective for low-depth Trotter-Suzuki decomposition
Hamiltonian simulation represents an important module in a large class of quantum
algorithms and simulations such as quantum machine learning, quantum linear algebra …
algorithms and simulations such as quantum machine learning, quantum linear algebra …
Qsyn: A developer-friendly quantum circuit synthesis framework for NISQ era and beyond
In this paper, we introduce Qsyn, a novel quantum circuit synthesis (QCS) framework
designed to facilitate the research, development, testing, and experimentation of QCS …
designed to facilitate the research, development, testing, and experimentation of QCS …
Optimal number of parametrized rotations and Hadamard gates in parametrized Clifford circuits with non-repeated parameters
We present an efficient algorithm to reduce the number of non-Clifford gates in quantum
circuits and the number of parametrized rotations in parametrized quantum circuits. The …
circuits and the number of parametrized rotations in parametrized quantum circuits. The …
A knowledge compilation map for quantum information
Quantum computing is finding promising applications in optimization, machine learning and
physics, leading to the development of various models for representing quantum …
physics, leading to the development of various models for representing quantum …
Qubit-count optimization using ZX-calculus
V Vandaele - arxiv preprint arxiv:2407.10171, 2024 - arxiv.org
We propose several methods for optimizing the number of qubits in a quantum circuit while
preserving the number of non-Clifford gates. One of our approaches consists in reversing, as …
preserving the number of non-Clifford gates. One of our approaches consists in reversing, as …
Qubit and T-count Optimized Quantum Circuit Design for Fixed Precision Square Root
A Sultana, E Muñoz-Coreas - 2024 IEEE Computer Society …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Quantum square root operation is a useful building block in implementing important
quantum algorithms such as the Harrow–Hassidim–Lloyd (HHL) algorithm, algorithms in …
quantum algorithms such as the Harrow–Hassidim–Lloyd (HHL) algorithm, algorithms in …
[PDF][PDF] A Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC)
NHF Beebe - 2025 - ctan.math.utah.edu
A Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC) Page 1 A
Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC) Nelson HF …
Complete Bibliography of ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC) Nelson HF …