Tectonics of sedimentary basins: recent advances
C Busby, AA Pérez - 2011 - books.google.com
Investigating the complex interplay between tectonics and sedimentation is a key endeavor
in modern earth science. Many of the world's leading researchers in this field have been …
in modern earth science. Many of the world's leading researchers in this field have been …
Pacific-North America plate tectonics of the Neogene southwestern United States: an update
T Atwater, J Stock - International Geology Review, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
We use updated rotations within the Pacific-Antarctica-Africa-North America plate circuit to
calculate Pacific-North America plate reconstructions for times since chron 13 (33 Ma). The …
calculate Pacific-North America plate reconstructions for times since chron 13 (33 Ma). The …
Characterization of fault zones
There are currently three major competing views on the essential geometrical, mechanical,
and mathematical nature of faults. The standard view is that faults are (possibly segmented …
and mathematical nature of faults. The standard view is that faults are (possibly segmented …
Microplate capture, rotation of the western Transverse Ranges, and initiation of the San Andreas transform as a low-angle fault system
Tectonic rotation of the western Transverse Ranges block is explained by capture of the
partially subducted Monterey microplate by the Pacific plate at about anomaly 6 time (ca. 20 …
partially subducted Monterey microplate by the Pacific plate at about anomaly 6 time (ca. 20 …
Global catalogue, classification and tectonic origins of restraining-and releasing bends on active and ancient strike-slip fault systems
P Mann - 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Restraining-and releasing bends with similar morphology and structure have been
described by many previous studies of strike-slip faults in a variety of active and ancient …
described by many previous studies of strike-slip faults in a variety of active and ancient …
Late Quaternary alluvial fans at the eastern end of the San Bernardino Mountains, Southern California
Alluvial fans at the eastern end of the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California
provide a record of climate modulated sediment transfer and erosion, and are deformed and …
provide a record of climate modulated sediment transfer and erosion, and are deformed and …
An animated tectonic reconstruction of southwestern North America since 36 Ma
We present tectonic reconstructions and an accompanying animation of deformation across
the North America–Pacific plate boundary since 36 Ma. Intraplate deformation of …
the North America–Pacific plate boundary since 36 Ma. Intraplate deformation of …
Block kinematics of the Pacific–North America plate boundary in the southwestern United States from inversion of GPS, seismological, and geologic data
R McCaffrey - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The active deformation of the southwestern United States (30°–41° N) is represented by a
finite number of rotating, elastic‐plastic spherical caps. GPS‐derived horizontal velocities …
finite number of rotating, elastic‐plastic spherical caps. GPS‐derived horizontal velocities …
Climate change and the episodicity of sediment flux of small California rivers
DL Inman, SA Jenkins - The Journal of geology, 1999 - journals.uchicago.edu
We studied the streamflow and sediment flux characteristics of the 20 largest streams
entering the Pacific Ocean along the central and southern California coast, extending for …
entering the Pacific Ocean along the central and southern California coast, extending for …
Seismogenic framework for hydrothermal transport and ore deposition
RH Sibson - 2001 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Fault motion in the upper continental crust is accommodated principally by earthquake
rupturing within a seismogenic zone whose base, depending on composition, generally lies …
rupturing within a seismogenic zone whose base, depending on composition, generally lies …