An online and unified algorithm for projection matrix vector multiplication with application to empirical risk minimization
Online matrix vector multiplication is a fundamental step and bottleneck in many machine
learning algorithms. It is defined as follows: given a matrix at the pre-processing phase, at …
learning algorithms. It is defined as follows: given a matrix at the pre-processing phase, at …
Communication lower bounds for statistical estimation problems via a distributed data processing inequality
We study the tradeoff between the statistical error and communication cost of distributed
statistical estimation problems in high dimensions. In the distributed sparse Gaussian mean …
statistical estimation problems in high dimensions. In the distributed sparse Gaussian mean …
Sketching for first order method: efficient algorithm for low-bandwidth channel and vulnerability
Sketching is one of the most fundamental tools in large-scale machine learning. It enables
runtime and memory saving via randomly compressing the original large problem into lower …
runtime and memory saving via randomly compressing the original large problem into lower …
Sketching meets differential privacy: fast algorithm for dynamic kronecker projection maintenance
Projection maintenance is one of the core data structure tasks. Efficient data structures for
projection maintenance have led to recent breakthroughs in many convex programming …
projection maintenance have led to recent breakthroughs in many convex programming …
Low rank approximation with entrywise l1-norm error
We study the ℓ1-low rank approximation problem, where for a given nxd matrix A and
approximation factor α≤ 1, the goal is to output a rank-k matrix  for which‖ A-Â‖ 1≤ α …
approximation factor α≤ 1, the goal is to output a rank-k matrix  for which‖ A-Â‖ 1≤ α …
Relative error tensor low rank approximation
We consider relative error low rank approximation of tensors with respect to the Frobenius
norm. Namely, given an order-q tensor A∊ ℝ∏ i= 1 q ni, output a rank-k tensor B for which …
norm. Namely, given an order-q tensor A∊ ℝ∏ i= 1 q ni, output a rank-k tensor B for which …
Optimal principal component analysis in distributed and streaming models
This paper studies the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) problem in the distributed and
streaming models of computation. Given a matrix A∈ R m× n, a rank parameter k< rank (A) …
streaming models of computation. Given a matrix A∈ R m× n, a rank parameter k< rank (A) …
Is solving graph neural tangent kernel equivalent to training graph neural network?
A rising trend in theoretical deep learning is to understand why deep learning works through
Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK)[jgh18], a kernel method that is equivalent to using gradient …
Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK)[jgh18], a kernel method that is equivalent to using gradient …
Dynamic tensor product regression
In this work, we initiate the study of\emph {Dynamic Tensor Product Regression}. One has
matrices $ A_1\in\mathbb {R}^{n_1\times d_1},\ldots, A_q\in\mathbb {R}^{n_q\times d_q} …
matrices $ A_1\in\mathbb {R}^{n_1\times d_1},\ldots, A_q\in\mathbb {R}^{n_q\times d_q} …