[PDF][PDF] Remote sensing and GIS-based watershed prioritization for land and water conservation planning and management
Identifying the most critical sub-watershed or reservoir catchment in relation to water spread,
pattern of soil erosion and aquifer recharge in a basin can be highly useful for implementing …
pattern of soil erosion and aquifer recharge in a basin can be highly useful for implementing …
Prioritization of watershed through morphometric parameters: a PCA-based approach
Remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques have become
very important these days as they aid planners and decision makers to make effective and …
very important these days as they aid planners and decision makers to make effective and …
Impact of communal irrigation on the 2018 Palu earthquake-triggered landslides
Anthropogenic changes to the environment can enhance earthquake-triggered landslides,
yet their role in earthquake disasters is often overlooked. Co-seismic landslides frequently …
yet their role in earthquake disasters is often overlooked. Co-seismic landslides frequently …
[HTML][HTML] Watershed prioritization and hydro-morphometric analysis for the potential development of Tabuk Basin, Saudi Arabia using multivariate statistical analysis …
Abstract The Tabuk province of Saudi Arabia (SA) has an arid zone, few aquifers, high
groundwater salinity (seawater intrusion), and accelerated population, industrial, and …
groundwater salinity (seawater intrusion), and accelerated population, industrial, and …
Morphometric analysis and prioritization of sub-watersheds in a hilly watershed using weighted sum approach
In this study, morphometric analysis of 14 hilly sub-watersheds (SWs) of Naula watershed
located in upper Ramganga River basin, Uttarakhand State, India, was done using remote …
located in upper Ramganga River basin, Uttarakhand State, India, was done using remote …
Identification of critical watershed at risk of soil erosion using morphometric and geographic information system analysis
Morphometric analysis is a pertinent scientific approach in any hydrological analysis, and it
is necessary in the progress and management of drainage basin. Identification of areas at …
is necessary in the progress and management of drainage basin. Identification of areas at …
Flash flood vulnerability assessment and zonation through an integrated approach in the Upper Ganga Basin of the Northwest Himalayan region in Uttarakhand
Flash Floods are one of the most destructive naturally occurring events, having a dreadful
capability to cause havoc within a few hours. In India, Uttarakhand, a hill State of the …
capability to cause havoc within a few hours. In India, Uttarakhand, a hill State of the …
[HTML][HTML] The implementation of a hybrid model for hilly sub-watershed prioritization using morphometric variables: Case study in India
Among several components of watershed prioritization, morphometric parameters are
considered to be essential elements for appropriate water resource planning and …
considered to be essential elements for appropriate water resource planning and …
Prioritising sub-watersheds using morphometric analysis, principal component analysis, and land use/land cover analysis in the Kinnerasani River basin, India
Due to the depletion of natural resources including land and water as a result of rapid
population increase, industrialisation, and urbanisation, effective resource management is …
population increase, industrialisation, and urbanisation, effective resource management is …
[PDF][PDF] Estimation of surface runoff using remote sensing and geographical information system
S Gajbhiye - International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and …, 2015 - academia.edu
Accurate estimation of runoff and sediment yield amount is not only an important task in
physiographic but also important for proper watershed management (Gajbhiye et al. 2014a; …
physiographic but also important for proper watershed management (Gajbhiye et al. 2014a; …