How mobility pattern shapes the association between static green space and dynamic green space exposure
Greenspaces are crucial for enhancing mental and physical health. Recent research has
shifted from static methods of assessing exposure to greenspaces, based on fixed locations …
shifted from static methods of assessing exposure to greenspaces, based on fixed locations …
[HTML][HTML] How objective and subjective greenspace, combined with air and noise pollution, impacts mental health through the mediation of physical activity
Global mental health is facing challenges. Environmental factors, such as enhanced
greenspace and reduced air and noise pollution, alongside physical activity, are assumed to …
greenspace and reduced air and noise pollution, alongside physical activity, are assumed to …
Exploring the inequality in fine-grained primary healthcare accessibility in Macau based on high-resolution geospatial data under the 15-minute city framework
Primary healthcare (PHC) acts as a cornerstone of public health. The 15-min city concept,
advocating convenient access to essential urban services such as PHC within a 15-min …
advocating convenient access to essential urban services such as PHC within a 15-min …
Risk perception, sociodemographic factors, and knowledge of COVID-19 associated with mask use outside the home in Indonesia during the mandatory policy
B Roosihermiatie, K Yunitaningtyas… - …, 2025 - f1000research.com
Background After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which spread to 213 countries in
2020, Indonesia ranked 20 th for morbidity with a mortality rate of 2.3%, higher than the …
2020, Indonesia ranked 20 th for morbidity with a mortality rate of 2.3%, higher than the …