Electrocapacitive deionization: mechanisms, electrodes, and cell designs
Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging water desalination technology for removing
different ionic species from water, which is based on electric charge compensation by these …
different ionic species from water, which is based on electric charge compensation by these …
Environmental sustainability and ions removal through electrodialysis desalination: Operating conditions and process parameters
Electrodialysis, a membrane separation method, uses an electrical potential difference to
separate ions in aqueous solutions. Electrodialysis is used in several industries for the …
separate ions in aqueous solutions. Electrodialysis is used in several industries for the …
[HTML][HTML] Small scale desalination technologies: A comprehensive review
In recent decades, problems related to fresh water has become a very important issue for
humans. Small-scale desalination (SSD) systems, besides large-scale desalination (LSD) …
humans. Small-scale desalination (SSD) systems, besides large-scale desalination (LSD) …
Carbon materials for solar water evaporation and desalination
Seawater desalination is viewed as a promising solution to world freshwater scarcity. Solar
assisted desalination is proposed to overcome the high energy consumption in current …
assisted desalination is proposed to overcome the high energy consumption in current …
Environmental impact of desalination technologies: A review
Due to the limited availability of freshwater supplies, desalination has become an
increasingly reliable process for water supply worldwide, with proved technical and …
increasingly reliable process for water supply worldwide, with proved technical and …
An overview on the recycling of waste poly (vinyl chloride)
X Jiang, B Zhu, M Zhu - Green Chemistry, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most important plastics derived from petroleum, which
has been extensively used in everyday life for the last few decades due to its superior …
has been extensively used in everyday life for the last few decades due to its superior …
[HTML][HTML] Recent progress in renewable energy based-desalination in the Middle East and North Africa MENA region
Abstract Background The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries are rapidly
growing in population with very limited access to freshwater resources. To overcome this …
growing in population with very limited access to freshwater resources. To overcome this …
A critical review on remediation, reuse, and resource recovery from acid mine drainage
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a global environmental issue. Conventionally, a number of
active and passive remediation approaches are applied to treat and manage AMD. Case …
active and passive remediation approaches are applied to treat and manage AMD. Case …
Recent progress in the use of renewable energy sources to power water desalination plants
Rapid population growth and industrial development have propelled water resources to the
forefront of challenges facing modern societies. While water covers about two thirds of the …
forefront of challenges facing modern societies. While water covers about two thirds of the …
Faradaic electrodes open a new era for capacitive deionization
Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging desalination technology for effective removal
of ionic species from aqueous solutions. Compared to conventional CDI, which is based on …
of ionic species from aqueous solutions. Compared to conventional CDI, which is based on …