How policy growth affects policy implementation: bureaucratic overload and policy triage

C Knill, Y Steinebach, D Zink - Journal of European Public Policy, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
While policies pile up in modern democracies, the effect of policy growth on policy
implementation has not been addressed so far. Implementation research has focused on …

An agenda for the study of public administration in develo** countries

AM Bertelli, M Hassan, D Honig, D Rogger… - …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Develo** nations demand a different scholarly approach in the field of public
administration. We advance an agenda for research that stands on four pillars. First, in the …

Reputation‐sourced authority and the prospect of unchecked bureaucratic power

AM Bertelli, M Busuioc - Public Administration Review, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
We explore the democratic implications of a reputational account of bureaucratic authority.
While an influential literature has examined the relevance of reputation—and mutual …

Why public service motivated government employees experience varying job satisfaction levels across countries: A meta-analysis emphasizing cultural dimensions

N Ki, GJ Kim - Public Performance & Management Review, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Research spanning 33 years establishes a robust link between government employees'
Public Service Motivation (PSM) and job satisfaction (JS). Recent studies explore how …

Mayoral preferences for delegation in collaborative arrangements: issue salience and policy specificity

RA Bello-Gomez, CN Avellaneda - Public Management Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Multilevel governance offers different settings to study executive decision-making and
delegation. Associations of municipalities (AoMs), which are collaborative partnerships, are …

Governance and global collaboration in non‐democratic countries

HE Ali - Public Administration Review, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The concept of good governance (GG) has emerged from the corridors of global institutions,
influencing changes, particularly in non‐democratic countries. This paper uses both …

Differentiating between urban flood risk as a unitary problem and as a strand in a braided problem set: Implications for administrative coordination

S Michaels - PLOS Water, 2023 -
Flood protection is a leading priority for urban water sustainability. Making cities more
resilient to flooding has become urgent as the climate changes and as cities increasingly …

Law and co-production: the importance of citizenship values

AM Bertelli, S Cannas - The Palgrave Handbook of Co-Production of …, 2021 - Springer
Despite numerous attempts to define the core traits of co-production, it remains an
heterogeneous concept. Building upon existing literature, we engage in legal reasoning to …

[КНИГА][B] Partnership communities

AM Bertelli, EF Woodhouse, M Castiglioni… - 2021 -
We undertake the first quantitative and broadly comparative study of the structure and
performance of partnership communities to our knowledge. Our study addresses several …

Sorry it took me so long: Latin America and rapid governments' response to COVID-19

IR Batista, A Domingos, R Lins - Ciências Sociais …, 2020 -
When facing the COVID-19 pandemic, what was key to governments' response velocity
throughout Latin America? The region had more information on what to do to prevent the …