Movescapes and eco‐evolutionary movement strategies in marine fish: Assessing a connectivity hotspot

SK Lowerre‐Barbieri, C Friess, LP Griffin… - Fish and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Data from the Integrated Tracking of Aquatic Animals in the Gulf of Mexico (iTAG)
network, and sister networks, were used to evaluate fish movements in the Florida Keys—an …

Isotopic evidence for dead fish maintenance of Florida red tides, with implications for coastal fisheries over both source regions of the West Florida shelf and within …

JJ Walsh, RH Weisberg, JM Lenes, FR Chen… - Progress in …, 2009 - Elsevier
Toxic Florida red tides of the dinoflagellate Kareniabrevis have downstream consequences
of 500–1000km spatial extent. Fish stocks, shellfish beds, and harmful algal blooms of …

A comparison of indexes for prey importance inferred from otoliths and cephalopod beaks recovered from pinniped scats

FJ Garcia-Rodriguez… - Journal of Fisheries …, 2011 -
In this study a similar data set was used to compare results produced by using four indexes
used for quantifying the California sea lion prey. Hard structures like Sagitta otoliths and …

Moving out of poverty: conditions for wealth creation in small-scale fisheries in Mozambique

A Menezes, A Eide, J Raakjær - … mosaics: realities and prospects in small …, 2011 - Springer
Over the last few decades, Mozambique has gone through significant political and economic
changes moving from a central planning economy to a market economy. The Mozambican …

The merits of consensus: small-scale fisheries as a livelihood buffer in Livingston, Guatemala

H Andrade, G Midré - Poverty mosaics: Realities and prospects in small …, 2011 - Springer
Guatemala has among the highest poverty and inequality rates in the Latin American and
Caribbean regions. The entire population is affected, but the majority of poor and extreme …

Seasonal and annual cycles in marine small‐scale fisheries (Ilhéus–Brazil)

M Cetra, M Petrere - Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Fish stock assessment is a crucial tool for resource management. Small‐scale fisheries are
often multispecies and multigear. This study focuses on the search for patterns in the Ilhéus …

Contemporary versus historical estimates of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) age and growth in the US Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

KE Shepard, WF Patterson… - Bulletin of Marine …, 2010 -
King mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla (Cuvier, 1829), is an economically important coastal
pelagic fish in United States waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic) and Gulf of Mexico …

Trends in Atlantic contribution to mixed‐stock King Mackerel landings in south Florida inferred from otolith shape analysis

KE Shepard, WF Patterson III… - Marine and Coastal …, 2010 -
Abstract The Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico (GOM) stocks of king mackerel
Scomberomorus cavalla are genetically distinct but have overlap** winter ranges around …

Otolith micro-structure analysis of rainbow trout alevins (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under rearing conditions

G Moyano, G Plaza, MI Toledo - Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2012 -
Otolith microstructure (MO) analysis was used to back-calculate growth patterns from
hatching to the yolk-sac absorption in Rainbow trout alevins (Oncorhynchus mykiss), under …

[PDF][PDF] Organisational Change And Human Resource Management Interventions: An Investigation Of The Service Sector Industry

P Singh, S Thapliyal - Psychology and Education Journal, 2021 -
The main aim of this study is to examine how employee performance is developed by HRD
interventions and its relationship with organisational effectiveness and employee …