[HTML][HTML] Blockchain technology as a strategic weapon to bring procurement 4.0 truly alive: Literature review and future research agenda
Balancing efficiency and resilience in any supply chain commences from its ability to secure
supplier networks. Blockchain technology applications in procurement can work as a major …
supplier networks. Blockchain technology applications in procurement can work as a major …
[HTML][HTML] Blockchain technology for sustainable supply chain management: A systematic literature review and a classification framework
Through a systematic review of publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals, this paper
investigates the role of blockchain technology in sustainable supply chain management. It …
investigates the role of blockchain technology in sustainable supply chain management. It …
A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: Lessons from Malaysia
This study proposes a sustainable blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain. As
is widely acknowledged, blockchain could enhance supply chain integrity, but its impacts on …
is widely acknowledged, blockchain could enhance supply chain integrity, but its impacts on …
Investigating the impact of international markets and new digital technologies on business innovation in emerging markets
International markets and digital technologies are considered among the factors affecting
business innovation. The emergence and deployment of digital technologies in emerging …
business innovation. The emergence and deployment of digital technologies in emerging …
Tunneling the barriers of blockchain technology in remanufacturing for achieving sustainable development goals: A circular manufacturing perspective
K Govindan - Business Strategy and the Environment, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
As a concern with manufacturing industries, circular economy (CE) practices—often labeled
“circular manufacturing (CM)”—are industrial tasks through which several circular economy …
“circular manufacturing (CM)”—are industrial tasks through which several circular economy …
Renewable energy sources from the perspective of blockchain integration: From theory to application
Renewable Energy (RE) decentralisation has become a means towards energy
sustainability due to the revolution in blockchain technology. RE sources have undergone …
sustainability due to the revolution in blockchain technology. RE sources have undergone …
Token economy
Transfers of ownership of assets (eg, fiat money, company shares, or usage rights) between
agents (here, individuals or organizations) is often mediated by trusted third parties (TTPs) …
agents (here, individuals or organizations) is often mediated by trusted third parties (TTPs) …
AI startup business models: Key characteristics and directions for entrepreneurship research
We currently observe the rapid emergence of startups that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) as
part of their business model. While recent research suggests that AI startups employ novel or …
part of their business model. While recent research suggests that AI startups employ novel or …
[HTML][HTML] Pathways to digital business models: The connection of sensing and seizing in business model innovation
Digital business model innovation (BMI) is critical to achieving and sustaining
competitiveness in technology-driven environments. In those environments, firms must not …
competitiveness in technology-driven environments. In those environments, firms must not …
Probably something: A multi-layer taxonomy of non-fungible tokens
Purpose This paper aims to establish a fundamental and comprehensive understanding of
non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by identifying and structuring common characteristics within a …
non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by identifying and structuring common characteristics within a …