[ספר][B] Piecewise-smooth dynamical systems: theory and applications
M Bernardo, C Budd, AR Champneys, P Kowalczyk - 2008 - books.google.com
This book presents a coherent framework for understanding the dynamics of piecewise-
smooth and hybrid systems. An informal introduction expounds the ubiquity of such models …
smooth and hybrid systems. An informal introduction expounds the ubiquity of such models …
Design optimization of quarter-car models with passive and semi-active suspensions under random road excitation
A methodology is presented for optimizing the suspension dam** and stiffness
parameters of nonlinear quarter-car models subjected to random road excitation. The …
parameters of nonlinear quarter-car models subjected to random road excitation. The …
Analytical modeling of discrete mechanical systems involving contact, impact, and friction
In this study, a review is presented on previous work referring to analytical modeling of
mechanical systems having components that come in contact during their motion in ways …
mechanical systems having components that come in contact during their motion in ways …
Multi-objective optimization of quarter-car models with a passive or semi-active suspension system
A systematic methodology is applied in an effort to select optimum values for the suspension
dam** and stiffness parameters of two degrees of freedom quarter-car models, subjected …
dam** and stiffness parameters of two degrees of freedom quarter-car models, subjected …
Physical modeling of the hysteretic behaviour of automotive shock absorbers
SW Duym, R Stiens, GV Baron, KG Reybrouck - 1997 - sae.org
ABSTRACT A physical model is proposed to account for the hysteretic effects of automotive
shock absorbers. Besides the oil compressibility, the compressibility of a variable gas phase …
shock absorbers. Besides the oil compressibility, the compressibility of a variable gas phase …
Nonlinear modeling and experimental characterization of hydraulic dampers: effects of shim stack and orifice parameters on damper performance
A nonlinear model of monotube hydraulic dampers is presented with an emphasis on the
shim stack properties and their effects on the overall damper performance. There has been …
shim stack properties and their effects on the overall damper performance. There has been …
Fault detection and optimal sensor location in vehicle suspensions
A statistical system identification methodology is applied for performing parametric
identification and fault detection studies in nonlinear vehicle systems. The vehicle …
identification and fault detection studies in nonlinear vehicle systems. The vehicle …
A shock absorber model for structure-borne noise analyses
Shock absorbers are often responsible for undesirable structure-borne noise in cars. The
early numerical prediction of this noise in the automobile development process can save …
early numerical prediction of this noise in the automobile development process can save …
Analysis of simplifications applied in vibration dam** modelling for a passive car shock absorber
The paper presents results of research on hydraulic automotive shock absorbers. The
considerations provided in the paper indicate certain flaws and simplifications resulting from …
considerations provided in the paper indicate certain flaws and simplifications resulting from …
Recent advances and comparisons between harmonic balance and Volterra-based nonlinear frequency response analysis methods
Harmonic balance and Volterra-based analysis methods are well known, but the capabilities
of these methods have been limited by significant issues of complexity which either …
of these methods have been limited by significant issues of complexity which either …