Non-unitary Trotter circuits for imaginary time evolution
We propose an imaginary time equivalent of the well-established Pauli gadget primitive for
Trotter-decomposed real time evolution, using mid-circuit measurements on a single ancilla …
Trotter-decomposed real time evolution, using mid-circuit measurements on a single ancilla …
Error Mitigation by Restricted Evolution
Error mitigation techniques, while instrumental in extending the capabilities of near-term
quantum computers, often suffer from exponential resource scaling with noise levels. To …
quantum computers, often suffer from exponential resource scaling with noise levels. To …
Quantum Cognitive Modeling: New Applications and Systems Research Directions
Expanding the benefits of quantum computing to new domains remains a challenging task.
Quantum applications are concentrated in only a few domains, and driven by these few, the …
Quantum applications are concentrated in only a few domains, and driven by these few, the …