Feather function and the evolution of birds
The ability of feathers to perform many functions either simultaneously or at different times
throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many …
throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many …
[کتاب][B] The extended specimen: emerging frontiers in collections-based ornithological research
MS Webster - 2017 - books.google.com
The Extended Specimen highlights the research potential for ornithological specimens, and
is meant to encourage ornithologists poised to initiate a renaissance in collections-based …
is meant to encourage ornithologists poised to initiate a renaissance in collections-based …
Melanin-based structural coloration of birds and its biomimetic applications
Melanin has been a widely researched pigment by scientists for decades as it is
undoubtedly the most ubiquitous and ancient pigment found in nature. Melanin plays very …
undoubtedly the most ubiquitous and ancient pigment found in nature. Melanin plays very …
Transitions between colour mechanisms affect speciation dynamics and range distributions of birds
Several ecogeographical 'rules' have been proposed to explain colour variation at broad
spatial and phylogenetic scales but these rarely consider whether colours are based on …
spatial and phylogenetic scales but these rarely consider whether colours are based on …
Decoupling of sexual signals and their underlying morphology facilitates rapid phenotypic diversification
How novel phenotypes evolve is challenging to imagine because traits are often underlain
by numerous integrated phenotypic components, and changes to any one form can disrupt …
by numerous integrated phenotypic components, and changes to any one form can disrupt …
Evolution of brilliant iridescent feather nanostructures
The brilliant iridescent plumage of birds creates some of the most stunning color displays
known in the natural world. Iridescent plumage colors are produced by nanostructures in …
known in the natural world. Iridescent plumage colors are produced by nanostructures in …
Microstructures amplify carotenoid plumage signals in tanagers
Brilliantly-colored birds are a model system for research into evolution and sexual selection.
Red, orange, and yellow carotenoid-colored plumages have been considered honest …
Red, orange, and yellow carotenoid-colored plumages have been considered honest …
Iridocytes mediate photonic cooperation between giant clams (Tridacninae) and their photosynthetic symbionts
Iridocytes, containing multiple stacks of proteinaceous platelets and crystalized guanine,
alternating with thin cytoplasm sheets, are specialized cells that act as multilayer nano …
alternating with thin cytoplasm sheets, are specialized cells that act as multilayer nano …
Signal evolution and morphological complexity in hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae)
Understanding how animal signals are produced is critical for understanding their evolution
because complexity and modularity in the underlying morphology can affect evolutionary …
because complexity and modularity in the underlying morphology can affect evolutionary …
Reconstructing vertebrate paleocolor
Melanin and other pigments are now well known to be important in exceptional preservation
of soft tissues in vertebrates and other animals. Because pigments confer coloration and …
of soft tissues in vertebrates and other animals. Because pigments confer coloration and …