Marine vanadium pollution: Sources, ecological impacts and cutting-edge mitigation strategies
Vanadium (V) is a hazardous element with widespread environmental presence, particularly
in marine environments, due to both natural and industrial sources. This review examines …
in marine environments, due to both natural and industrial sources. This review examines …
Review of oil and HNS accidental spills in Europe: identifying major environmental monitoring gaps and drawing priorities
The European Atlantic area has been the scene of a number of extensive ship** incidents
with immediate and potential long-term impacts to marine ecosystems. The occurrence of …
with immediate and potential long-term impacts to marine ecosystems. The occurrence of …
Assessing chemical contamination in the coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea using active mussel biomonitoring with Mytilus galloprovincialis
The MYTIAD project focused on the assessment of chemical contamination (metals, PAHs,
PCBs and organochlorine pesticides) in the Adriatic coastal waters by active mussel …
PCBs and organochlorine pesticides) in the Adriatic coastal waters by active mussel …
Assessment of metal concentrations in indigenous and caged mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) on entire Turkish coastline
This survey was conducted to determine metal concentrations in the biomonitor organism
Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from all coasts of Turkey. Naturally-occurring mussels …
Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from all coasts of Turkey. Naturally-occurring mussels …
Mechanical homeostasis of a DOPA-enriched biological coating from mussels in response to metal variation
Protein–metal coordination interactions were recently found to function as crucial
mechanical cross-links in certain biological materials. Mussels, for example, use Fe ions …
mechanical cross-links in certain biological materials. Mussels, for example, use Fe ions …
The potential use of invasive ascidians for biomonitoring heavy metal pollution
Heavy metal (HM) inputs into marine environments and their effect on marine organisms are
of major concern. Here, we examined the potential use of two invasive ascidian species …
of major concern. Here, we examined the potential use of two invasive ascidian species …
Nickel, vanadium, and lead as indicators of sediment contamination of marina, refinery, and shipyard areas
Metallic elements found in the aquatic environment may originate in areas where petroleum
is refined and vessels are maintained and repaired. This study aims to assess contamination …
is refined and vessels are maintained and repaired. This study aims to assess contamination …
Trace metal concentrations in the North-western Mediterranean atmospheric aerosol between 1986 and 2008: Seasonal patterns and decadal trends
Climatic and anthropogenic changes are able to engender modifications in the aerosol
composition at different geographical and temporal scales. The present study addresses this …
composition at different geographical and temporal scales. The present study addresses this …
The estuarine geochemical reactivity of Zn isotopes and its relevance for the biomonitoring of anthropogenic Zn and Cd contaminations from metallurgical activities …
Zinc stable isotopes measurements by MC-ICP-MS, validated by laboratory intercalibrations,
were performed on wild oysters, suspended particles and filtered river/estuarine water …
were performed on wild oysters, suspended particles and filtered river/estuarine water …
Rapid recovery of benthic invertebrates downstream of hyperalkaline steel slag discharges
This study assesses the physical and chemical characteristics of hyperalkaline steel slag
leachate from a former steelworks on two streams in England and their impacts on benthic …
leachate from a former steelworks on two streams in England and their impacts on benthic …