Coherent phenomena and dynamics of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals for quantum information technologies
Solution-processed colloidal nanocrystals of lead halide perovskites have been intensively
investigated in recent years in the context of optoelectronic devices, during which time their …
investigated in recent years in the context of optoelectronic devices, during which time their …
Molecular magnetism
NF Chilton - Annual Review of Materials Research, 2022 - annualreviews.org
Molecular magnetism, though distinctly a field within chemistry, encompasses much more
than synthesis and has strong links with other disciplines across the physical sciences …
than synthesis and has strong links with other disciplines across the physical sciences …
Reversible spin-optical interface in luminescent organic radicals
Molecules present a versatile platform for quantum information science, and are candidates
for sensing and computation applications,. Robust spin-optical interfaces are key to …
for sensing and computation applications,. Robust spin-optical interfaces are key to …
Progression in quantum sensing/bio-sensing technologies for healthcare
The 5th/6th generation bio-sensing technology is an emerging field which connects smart
technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Machine Learning with efficient …
technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Machine Learning with efficient …
Navigating the landscape of optical biosensors
Optical biosensors are analytical devices that leverage the principle of optics to detect and
analyze biological molecules or chemical substances. These sensors rely on interactions …
analyze biological molecules or chemical substances. These sensors rely on interactions …
Computational design of magnetic molecules and their environment using quantum chemistry, machine learning and multiscale simulations
Having served as a playground for fundamental studies on the physics of d and f electrons
for almost a century, magnetic molecules are now becoming increasingly important for …
for almost a century, magnetic molecules are now becoming increasingly important for …
Room-temperature optically detected coherent control of molecular spins
Optically interfaced molecular spins are a promising platform for quantum sensing and
imaging. Key for such applications is optically detecting coherent spin manipulation at room …
imaging. Key for such applications is optically detecting coherent spin manipulation at room …
Room-temperature quantitative quantum sensing of lithium ions with a radical-embedded metal–organic framework
Recent advancements in quantum sensing have sparked transformative detection
technologies with high sensitivity, precision, and spatial resolution. Owing to their atomic …
technologies with high sensitivity, precision, and spatial resolution. Owing to their atomic …
Alternant hydrocarbon diradicals as optically addressable molecular qubits
High-spin molecules allow for bottom-up qubit design and are promising platforms for
magnetic sensing and quantum information science. Optical addressability of molecular …
magnetic sensing and quantum information science. Optical addressability of molecular …
[HTML][HTML] Smart nanomaterials to support quantum-sensing electronics
Quantum sensing electronic sensing is opening up new cutting-edge possibilities to take
advantage of complex quantum mechanical variables to make incredibly sensitive …
advantage of complex quantum mechanical variables to make incredibly sensitive …