A survey of computer architecture simulation techniques and tools
Computer architecture simulators play an important role in advancing computer architecture
research. With wider research directions and the increased number of simulators that have …
research. With wider research directions and the increased number of simulators that have …
An evaluation of high-level mechanistic core models
Large core counts and complex cache hierarchies are increasing the burden placed on
commonly used simulation and modeling techniques. Although analytical models provide …
commonly used simulation and modeling techniques. Although analytical models provide …
The M5 simulator: Modeling networked systems
Developed specifically to enable research in TCP/IP networking, the M5 simulator provides
features necessary for simulating networked hosts, including full-system capability, a …
features necessary for simulating networked hosts, including full-system capability, a …
Review and evaluation of commonly-implemented background subtraction algorithms
Locating moving objects in a video sequence is the first step of many computer vision
applications. Among the various motion-detection techniques, background subtraction …
applications. Among the various motion-detection techniques, background subtraction …
AVIO: detecting atomicity violations via access interleaving invariants
Concurrency bugs are among the most difficult to test and diagnose of all software bugs. The
multicore technology trend worsens this problem. Most previous concurrency bug detection …
multicore technology trend worsens this problem. Most previous concurrency bug detection …
Spatial memory streaming
Prior research indicates that there is much spatial variation in applications' memory access
patterns. Modern memory systems, however, use small fixed-size cache blocks and as such …
patterns. Modern memory systems, however, use small fixed-size cache blocks and as such …
SimFlex: statistical sampling of computer system simulation
Timing-accurate full-system multiprocessor simulations can take years because of
architecture and application complexity. Statistical sampling makes simulation-based …
architecture and application complexity. Statistical sampling makes simulation-based …
Multi-bit error tolerant caches using two-dimensional error coding
In deep sub-micron ICs, growing amounts of on-die memory and scaling effects make
embedded memories increasingly vulnerable to reliability and yield problems. As scaling …
embedded memories increasingly vulnerable to reliability and yield problems. As scaling …
Survey of CPU and memory simulators in computer architecture: A comprehensive analysis including compiler integration and emerging technology applications
In computer architecture studies, simulators are crucial for design verification, reducing
research and development time and ensuring the high accuracy of verification results …
research and development time and ensuring the high accuracy of verification results …
A tagless coherence directory
A key challenge in architecting a CMP with many cores is maintaining cache coherence in
an efficient manner. Directory-based protocols avoid the bandwidth overhead of snoop …
an efficient manner. Directory-based protocols avoid the bandwidth overhead of snoop …