[PDF][PDF] The new release of the database of Earthquake Mechanisms of the Mediterranean Area (EMMA Version 2)
We present here the second release of a database, running on MS-Access platform, of the
earthquake focal mechanisms of the Mediterranean area, published in the literature. For all …
earthquake focal mechanisms of the Mediterranean area, published in the literature. For all …
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in North Africa
North Africa is one of the most earthquake-prone areas of the Mediterranean. Many
devastating earthquakes, some of them tsunami-triggering, inflicted heavy loss of life and …
devastating earthquakes, some of them tsunami-triggering, inflicted heavy loss of life and …
[HTML][HTML] Liquefaction analysis of alluvial soil deposits in Bedsa south west of Cairo
KMHI Ibrahim - Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2014 - Elsevier
Bedsa is one of the districts in Dahshour that lays south west of Cairo and suffered from
liquefaction during October 1992 earthquake, Egypt. The soil profile consists of alluvial river …
liquefaction during October 1992 earthquake, Egypt. The soil profile consists of alluvial river …
An earthquake catalogue (2200 BC to 2013) for seismotectonic and seismic hazard assessment studies in Egypt
The instrumental earthquake catalogues show the overall seismicity of the Earth. However,
examining and inspecting the historical records plus the instrumental recorded events is …
examining and inspecting the historical records plus the instrumental recorded events is …
Moment magnitude–rupture area scaling and stress‐drop variations for earthquakes in the Mediterranean region
KI Konstantinou - Bulletin of the Seismological Society of …, 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A dataset of moment magnitudes and rupture areas is compiled for 53 earthquakes that
occurred in the Mediterranean region during the period 1976–2013. Moment magnitudes of …
occurred in the Mediterranean region during the period 1976–2013. Moment magnitudes of …
A review of seismic hazard assessment studies and hazard description in the building codes for Egypt
Reduction of damage in earthquake-prone areas requires modern building codes that
should be continuously updated to reflect the improvement in our understanding of the …
should be continuously updated to reflect the improvement in our understanding of the …
Delineation and characterization of a new seismic source model for seismic hazard studies in Egypt
In the present study, a new seismic source model for the Egyptian territory and its
surroundings is proposed. This model can be readily used for seismic hazard assessment …
surroundings is proposed. This model can be readily used for seismic hazard assessment …
Empirical relationships between aftershock area dimensions and magnitude for earthquakes in the Mediterranean Sea region
KI Konstantinou, GA Papadopoulos, A Fokaefs… - Tectonophysics, 2005 - Elsevier
Fault dimension estimates derived from the aftershock area extent of 36 shallow depth (≤
31 km) earthquakes that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea region have been used in order …
31 km) earthquakes that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea region have been used in order …
Combining active and passive seismic methods for the characterization of urban sites in Cairo, Egypt
Summary The geology at Kottamiya, Rehab City and Zahraa–Madinat–Nasr to the East of
Cairo (Egypt) is composed of low-velocity sediments on top of a rigid rock basement. Such …
Cairo (Egypt) is composed of low-velocity sediments on top of a rigid rock basement. Such …
[PDF][PDF] Application of the analytic hierarchy process for evaluating geo-hazards in the Greater Cairo area, Egypt
SSR Moustafa - Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015 - scholar.archive.org
ABSTRACT The Greater Cairo is an interesting and complex environment with substantial
variations in stratigraphy, soil, rock types and structural characteristics. The topography and …
variations in stratigraphy, soil, rock types and structural characteristics. The topography and …