Review of the biology and host associations of the wasp genus Gasteruption (Evanioidea: Gasteruptiidae)
Gasteruption is an easily recognized genus of wasps whose larvae are predator-inquilines
in the nests of cavity-nesting solitary bees (Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae and …
in the nests of cavity-nesting solitary bees (Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae and …
Urban native vegetation remnants support more diverse native bee communities than residential gardens in Australia's southwest biodiversity hotspot
Native bees are declining in many regions, often associated with loss of natural habitat.
Urbanisation replaces natural vegetation with a highly-modified landscape, where …
Urbanisation replaces natural vegetation with a highly-modified landscape, where …
Checking in at bee hotels: trap-nesting occupancy and fitness of cavity-nesting bees in an urbanised biodiversity hotspot
KS Prendergast - Urban Ecosystems, 2023 - Springer
With urbanisation leading to loss of nesting resources, and increasing public interest in
hel** bees, bee hotels (trap-nests) are becoming popularised. However, their success is …
hel** bees, bee hotels (trap-nests) are becoming popularised. However, their success is …
Honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) outnumber native bees in Tasmanian apple orchards: Perspectives for balancing crop production and native bee conservation
KS Prendergast, N Leclercq… - Austral …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Apples are a major crop globally, including in Tasmania (Australia)–known as 'the Apple
Isle'owing to the key role of apples in Tasmania's history and economy. Most apple cultivars …
Isle'owing to the key role of apples in Tasmania's history and economy. Most apple cultivars …
[PDF][PDF] The social and ecological values of native gardens along streets: A socio-ecological study in the suburbs of Perth
This report documents research on suburban street verge gardens in metropolitan Perth. In
this report, we refer to street verges, or nature strips, are those areas of land that lie between …
this report, we refer to street verges, or nature strips, are those areas of land that lie between …
[HTML][HTML] Nesting Biology and Ecology of a Resin Bee, Megachile cephalotes (Megachilidae: Hymenoptera)
Simple Summary Megachile cephalotes is a solitary bee that is widely distributed in Sindh
and Punjab, Pakistan. It has been reported as an effective pollinator of Grewia asiatica and …
and Punjab, Pakistan. It has been reported as an effective pollinator of Grewia asiatica and …
The life cycle, nesting behaviour and diet of resin bee Megachile tosticauda (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
The life cycle, nesting behaviour and diet breadth of the resin bee Megachile (Hackeriapis)
tosticauda (Cockerell) are described for the first time. Microscopic imaging of the larval …
tosticauda (Cockerell) are described for the first time. Microscopic imaging of the larval …
A solitary wild bee Megachile oblonga nesting in honey bee wax combs
KS Prendergast, R Manning - Journal of Apicultural Research, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Recently, native bee fauna has been observed utilising anthropogenic materials as nesting
substrates. Here we report the novel observation of a native solitary cavity-nesting bee …
substrates. Here we report the novel observation of a native solitary cavity-nesting bee …
[PDF][PDF] Nesting Biology and Ecology of a Resin Bee, Megachile cephalotes (Megachilidae: Hymenoptera). Insects 2022, 13, 1058
We report the nesting biology and ecology of Megachile cephalotes Smith, 1853 for the first
time in Pakistan. Wooden and bamboo trap nests were deployed at three different locations …
time in Pakistan. Wooden and bamboo trap nests were deployed at three different locations …
[PDF][PDF] Understanding community participation in urban conservation
J Slinger -
Urban conservation activities can provide a diverse range of wildlife with much needed
resources in a hostile environment. Small environmental groups promote conservation …
resources in a hostile environment. Small environmental groups promote conservation …