ToF-SIMS in material research: A view from nanoscale hydrogen detection
Hydrogen in materials has attracted tremendous interest as its incorporation leads to
significant alterations in nanoscale structure, composition, and chemistry, impacting …
significant alterations in nanoscale structure, composition, and chemistry, impacting …
Oxide spintronics as a knot of physics and chemistry: recent progress and opportunities
Transition-metal oxides (TMOs) constitute a key material family in spintronics because of
mutually coupled degrees of freedom and tunable magneto-ionic properties. In this …
mutually coupled degrees of freedom and tunable magneto-ionic properties. In this …
Coupling denitrification and ammonia synthesis via selective electrochemical reduction of nitric oxide over Fe 2 O 3 nanorods
Direct electrochemical conversion of nitric oxide (NO) into ammonia (NH3) holds great
promise for high value-added utilization of industrial gaseous waste and simultaneously …
promise for high value-added utilization of industrial gaseous waste and simultaneously …
Revealing emergent magnetic charge in an antiferromagnet with diamond quantum magnetometry
Whirling topological textures play a key role in exotic phases of magnetic materials and are
promising for logic and memory applications. In antiferromagnets, these textures exhibit …
promising for logic and memory applications. In antiferromagnets, these textures exhibit …
Ultralong distance hydrogen spillover enabled by valence changes in a metal oxide surface
T Kamada, T Ueda, S Fukuura, T Yumura… - Journal of the …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Hydrogen spillover is a phenomenon in which hydrogen atoms generated on metal catalysts
diffuse onto catalyst supports. This phenomenon offers reaction routes for functional …
diffuse onto catalyst supports. This phenomenon offers reaction routes for functional …
Magnetic Skyrmion Transistor Gated with Voltage‐Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy
The paradigm shift of information carriers from charge to spin has long been awaited in
modern electronics. The invention of the spin‐information transistor is expected to be an …
modern electronics. The invention of the spin‐information transistor is expected to be an …
The elaborately-designed Z-scheme Fe-g-C3N4/α-Fe2O3 photocatalytic platform equip** with active N-Fe-O bridges for enhanced synergistic removal of …
SW Lv, Q Zheng, L Ye, CY Li, JM Liu, Y Cong… - Chemical Engineering …, 2023 - Elsevier
Nowadays, simultaneous removal of organic pollutants and heavy metals from wastewater is
still a complicated task with great challenge. Herein, a newly-designed Fe-gC 3 N 4/α-Fe 2 O …
still a complicated task with great challenge. Herein, a newly-designed Fe-gC 3 N 4/α-Fe 2 O …
Spatially reconfigurable antiferromagnetic states in topologically rich free-standing nanomembranes
Antiferromagnets hosting real-space topological textures are promising platforms to model
fundamental ultrafast phenomena and explore spintronics. However, they have only been …
fundamental ultrafast phenomena and explore spintronics. However, they have only been …
Space‐Charge Control of Magnetism in Ferromagnetic Metals: Coupling Giant Magnitude and Robust Endurance
Z Li, H Liu, Z Zhao, Q Zhang, X Fu, X Li, F Gu… - Advanced …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Ferromagnetic metals show great prospects in ultralow‐power‐consumption spintronic
devices, due to their high Curie temperature and robust magnetization. However, there is …
devices, due to their high Curie temperature and robust magnetization. However, there is …
Strain-induced uphill hydrogen distribution in perovskite oxide films
Incorporating hydrogen into transition-metal oxides (TMOs) provides a facile and powerful
way to manipulate the performances of TMOs, and thus numerous efforts have been …
way to manipulate the performances of TMOs, and thus numerous efforts have been …