Are the effects of servant leadership only spurious? The state of research on the causal effects of servant leadership, recommendations, and an illustrative experiment
AF Schowalter, J Volmer - The leadership quarterly, 2023 - Elsevier
Causality is essential in informing science and policy. In the present study, we investigate
the current state of research regarding causality in the field of servant (and authentic) …
the current state of research regarding causality in the field of servant (and authentic) …
[HTML][HTML] Digital leadership in an ever-changing world: A bibliometric analysis of trends and challenges
Digital leadership is vital for companies in a constantly evolving technological environment,
where the adaptability of leaders is essential to face changes. To better understand this …
where the adaptability of leaders is essential to face changes. To better understand this …
Common methodological mistakes
For scientific discoveries to be valid—whether in theory or empirically—a phenomenon must
be accurately described: The scientist must use appropriate counterfactuals and eliminate …
be accurately described: The scientist must use appropriate counterfactuals and eliminate …
Charisma is a costly signal
A key assumption in modern conceptualizations of charisma is that it is a costly signal. It thus
should be easier for intelligent individuals to produce this signal: it requires one to be …
should be easier for intelligent individuals to produce this signal: it requires one to be …
[HTML][HTML] The influence of top management team gender diversity on firm performance during stable periods and economic crises: An instrumental variable analysis
Does a greater representation of women in top management teams (TMTs) contribute to
higher firm performance? Although several studies have investigated this question, they …
higher firm performance? Although several studies have investigated this question, they …
Eight puzzles of leadership science
GC Banks - The Leadership Quarterly, 2023 - Elsevier
In the early 1900s, David Hilbert introduced a set of 23 mathematical problems. These
problems caught the imagination of mathematicians around the world for the coming century …
problems caught the imagination of mathematicians around the world for the coming century …
Leadership science beyond questionnaires
Our field has lost its way. Leadership is what people do in order to influence others so that
the others can and will contribute to the objectives of the collective. And yet, when looking at …
the others can and will contribute to the objectives of the collective. And yet, when looking at …
Constructive and destructive leadership in job demands-resources theory: A meta-analytic test of the motivational and health-impairment pathways
Integrating the leadership literature with Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, we
conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis of the relations of different leadership behaviors …
conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis of the relations of different leadership behaviors …
[HTML][HTML] Leader and leadership loneliness: A review-based critique and path to future research
Does loneliness matter for leadership? Recent years saw an increase in academic literature
trying to answer this question. To evaluate if existing research could support theory and …
trying to answer this question. To evaluate if existing research could support theory and …
Well-being of formal leaders: A critical and interdisciplinary review of predictors sha** leader well-being
Holding a formal leadership role is often idealized, motivating individuals to pursue such
positions for independence and success. However, recent reports highlight significant …
positions for independence and success. However, recent reports highlight significant …