Responsibility, equity, justice, and inclusion in dynamic human–wildlife interactions
In an era of rapid environmental change, human–wildlife interactions (HWIs) are
increasingly complex and pervasive across ecosystems. Negative outcomes from such …
increasingly complex and pervasive across ecosystems. Negative outcomes from such …
Domestic livestock and rewilding: are they mutually exclusive?
Human influence extends across the globe, from the tallest mountains to the deep bottom of
the oceans. There is a growing call for nature to be protected from the negative impacts of …
the oceans. There is a growing call for nature to be protected from the negative impacts of …
Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes
Aim The recent recovery of large carnivores in Europe has been explained as resulting from
a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled …
a decrease in human persecution driven by widespread rural land abandonment, paralleled …
[PDF][PDF] A future for all: the need for human-wildlife coexistence
E Gross, N Jayasinghe, A Brooks, G Polet… - … and infographics by …, 2021 - edepot.wur.nl
WWF is an independent conservation organisation with over 30 million followers and a
global network active in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the …
global network active in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of the conservation status of the Wolf (Canis lupus) in Europe
In the last 50 years, wolf populations across Europe have shown a remarkable capacity to
take advantage of changing circumstances and landscapes and of new opportunities to …
take advantage of changing circumstances and landscapes and of new opportunities to …
Understanding habitat selection of range‐expanding populations of large carnivores: 20 years of grey wolves (Canis lupus) recolonizing Germany
A Planillo, M Wenzler‐Meya, I Reinhardt… - Diversity and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The non‐stationarity in habitat selection of expanding populations poses a significant
challenge for spatial forecasting. Focusing on the grey wolf (Canis lupus) natural …
challenge for spatial forecasting. Focusing on the grey wolf (Canis lupus) natural …
Why so negative? Exploring the socio-economic impacts of large carnivores from a European perspective
With populations of wild carnivores growing in Europe, public debates on human-wildlife
conflicts are becoming polarized around economic damages and risks to human safety. This …
conflicts are becoming polarized around economic damages and risks to human safety. This …
Integrated adaptation strategies for human–leopard cat coexistence management in Taiwan
In Taiwan, the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis chinensis) remains the only extant
native wild cat species. Previous studies have suggested anthropogenic factors as a cause …
native wild cat species. Previous studies have suggested anthropogenic factors as a cause …
Environmental objectives of Spanish agriculture: Scientific guidelines for their effective implementation under the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2030
The next reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2021-2027
(currently extended to 2023-2030) requires the approval by the European Commission of a …
(currently extended to 2023-2030) requires the approval by the European Commission of a …
Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale
Wildlife damage to human property threatens human–wildlife coexistence. Conflicts arising
from wildlife damage in intensively managed landscapes often undermine conservation …
from wildlife damage in intensively managed landscapes often undermine conservation …