Understanding voice perception

P Belin, PEG Bestelmeyer, M Latinus… - British Journal of …, 2011‏ - Wiley Online Library
Voices carry large amounts of socially relevant information on persons, much like 'auditory
faces'. Following Bruce and Young (1986)'s seminal model of face perception, we propose …

A unified coding strategy for processing faces and voices

G Yovel, P Belin - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2013‏ - cell.com
Both faces and voices are rich in socially-relevant information, which humans are
remarkably adept at extracting, including a person's identity, age, gender, affective state …

[ספר][B] Why religion is natural and science is not

RN McCauley - 2011‏ - books.google.com
The battle between religion and science, competing methods of knowing ourselves and our
world, has been raging for many centuries. Now scientists themselves are looking at …

[ספר][B] The student's guide to cognitive neuroscience

J Ward - 2019‏ - taylorfrancis.com
Reflecting recent changes in the way cognition and the brain are studied, this thoroughly
updated fourth edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive and student …

[ספר][B] Face perception

V Bruce, AW Young - 2012‏ - books.google.com
Human faces are unique biological structures that convey a complex variety of important
social messages. Even strangers can tell things from our faces âe" our feelings, our locus of …

A multimodal approach to emotion recognition ability in autism spectrum disorders

CRG Jones, A Pickles, M Falcaro… - Journal of Child …, 2011‏ - Wiley Online Library
Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterised by social and
communication difficulties in day‐to‐day life, including problems in recognising emotions …

[ספר][B] An introduction to cognitive psychology: Processes and disorders

D Groome - 1999‏ - taylorfrancis.com
David Groome with Hazel Dewart, Anthony Esgate, Kevin Gurney, Richard Kemp, and
Nicola Towell. An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders is a …

Norm-based coding of voice identity in human auditory cortex

M Latinus, P McAleer, PEG Bestelmeyer, P Belin - Current Biology, 2013‏ - cell.com
Listeners exploit small interindividual variations around a generic acoustical structure to
discriminate and identify individuals from their voice—a key requirement for social …

Understanding the mechanisms of familiar voice-identity recognition in the human brain

C Maguinness, C Roswandowitz, K von Kriegstein - Neuropsychologia, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Humans have a remarkable skill for voice-identity recognition: most of us can remember
many voices that surround us as 'unique'. In this review, we explore the computational and …

Neural mechanisms for voice recognition

A Andics, JM McQueen, KM Petersson, V Gál, G Rudas… - Neuroimage, 2010‏ - Elsevier
We investigated neural mechanisms that support voice recognition in a training paradigm
with fMRI. The same listeners were trained on different weeks to categorize the mid-regions …