[HTML][HTML] Reduced-order modeling of advection-dominated systems with recurrent neural networks and convolutional autoencoders
A common strategy for the dimensionality reduction of nonlinear partial differential equations
(PDEs) relies on the use of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to identify a reduced …
(PDEs) relies on the use of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to identify a reduced …
Galerkin v. least-squares Petrov–Galerkin projection in nonlinear model reduction
Abstract Least-squares Petrov–Galerkin (LSPG) model-reduction techniques such as the
Gauss–Newton with Approximated Tensors (GNAT) method have shown promise, as they …
Gauss–Newton with Approximated Tensors (GNAT) method have shown promise, as they …
Finite volume POD-Galerkin stabilised reduced order methods for the parametrised incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
In this work a stabilised and reduced Galerkin projection of the incompressible unsteady
Navier–Stokes equations for moderate Reynolds number is presented. The full-order model …
Navier–Stokes equations for moderate Reynolds number is presented. The full-order model …
Data-driven filtered reduced order modeling of fluid flows
We propose a data-driven filtered reduced order model (DDF-ROM) framework for the
numerical simulation of fluid flows. The novel DDF-ROM framework consists of two steps:(i) …
numerical simulation of fluid flows. The novel DDF-ROM framework consists of two steps:(i) …
Hybrid analysis and modeling, eclecticism, and multifidelity computing toward digital twin revolution
Most modeling approaches lie in either of the two categories: physics‐based or data‐driven.
Recently, a third approach which is a combination of these deterministic and statistical …
Recently, a third approach which is a combination of these deterministic and statistical …
POD-Galerkin reduced order methods for CFD using Finite Volume Discretisation: vortex shedding around a circular cylinder
Vortex shedding around circular cylinders is a well known and studied phenomenon that
appears in many engineering fields. A Reduced Order Model (ROM) of the incompressible …
appears in many engineering fields. A Reduced Order Model (ROM) of the incompressible …
Conservative model reduction for finite-volume models
This work proposes a method for model reduction of finite-volume models that guarantees
the resulting reduced-order model is conservative, thereby preserving the structure intrinsic …
the resulting reduced-order model is conservative, thereby preserving the structure intrinsic …
[BOOK][B] Advanced reduced order methods and applications in computational fluid dynamics
Reduced order modeling is an important and fast-growing research field in computational
science and engineering, motivated by several reasons, of which we mention just a few …
science and engineering, motivated by several reasons, of which we mention just a few …
[HTML][HTML] Projection-based reduced order modeling and data-driven artificial viscosity closures for incompressible fluid flows
Projection-based reduced order models rely on offline–online model decomposition, where
the data-based energetic spatial basis is used in the expensive offline stage to obtain …
the data-based energetic spatial basis is used in the expensive offline stage to obtain …
A hybrid projection/data-driven reduced order model for the Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear filtering stabilization
Abstract We develop a Reduced Order Model (ROM) for the Navier-Stokes equations with
nonlinear filtering stabilization. Our approach, that can be interpreted as a Large Eddy …
nonlinear filtering stabilization. Our approach, that can be interpreted as a Large Eddy …