Buzz-pollinated crops: a global review and meta-analysis of the effects of supplemental bee pollination in tomato

H Cooley, M Vallejo-Marín - Journal of economic entomology, 2021 -
Buzz-pollinated plants require visitation from vibration producing bee species to elicit full
pollen release. Several important food crops are buzz-pollinated including tomato, eggplant …

The effect of protective covers on pollinator health and pollination service delivery

LK Kendall, LJ Evans, M Gee, TJ Smith, V Gagic… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2021 - Elsevier
Protective covers (ie, glasshouses, netting enclosures, and polytunnels) are increasingly
used in crop production to enhance crop quality, yield, and production efficiency. However …

Diversity, threats and conservation of native bees in the Neotropics

BM Freitas, VL Imperatriz-Fonseca, LM Medina… - Apidologie, 2009 -
The Neotropics bee fauna is very rich with 5000 recognised species, including 33 genera
(391 species) of Meliponini, but it is estimated to be at least three fold greater in species …

[HTML][HTML] Precision pollination strategies for advancing horticultural tomato crop production

A Dingley, S Anwar, P Kristiansen, NWM Warwick… - Agronomy, 2022 -
Global climate change and anthropological activities have led to a decline in insect
pollinators worldwide. Agricultural globalisation and intensification have also removed crops …

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) pollinators and their effect on fruit set and quality

HC Toni, BA Djossa, MAT Ayenan… - The Journal of …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Tomato flowers are self-fertile, but require pollinators' intervention to increase fruit setting. In
this review paper, we present and discuss the current state of knowledge on tomato …

Stingless bees, Melipona fasciculata, as efficient pollinators of eggplant (Solanum melongena) in greenhouses

P Nunes-Silva, M Hrncir, CI da Silva, YS Roldão… - Apidologie, 2013 - Springer
Detailed studies of the behavior of pollinators allow insights into pollination mechanisms
and may indicate which pollinators are more efficient for a particular plant species. Our aim …

Crop pollination by stingless bees

V Meléndez Ramírez, R Ayala… - Pot-pollen in stingless bee …, 2018 - Springer
The stingless bees are very diverse in the tropics and subtropics of the world, consisting of
nearly 600 species. Their morphological, biological, and behavioral traits make many of …

Pollination efficacy of stingless bees, Tetragonula pagdeni Schwarz (Apidae: Meliponini), on greenhouse tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum Linnaeus)

K Wongsa, O Duangphakdee, A Rattanawannee - PeerJ, 2023 -
The stingless bee Tetragonula pagdeni is distributed over a vast Southeast Asian territory.
This species is commonly used as a commercial insect pollinator. Pollination efficacy of T …

Pollination deficit in open-field tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) in Rio de Janeiro state, southeast Brazil

MS Deprá, GG Delaqua, L Freitas… - Journal of Pollination …, 2014 -
More than 70% of world's crops benefit from biotic pollination, and bees are their main
pollinators. Despite the fact that some of these insects have been broadly studied …

Pollinator effectiveness and fruit set in common ivy, Hedera helix (Araliaceae)

JH Jacobs, SJ Clark, I Denholm, D Goulson… - Arthropod-Plant …, 2010 - Springer
Flowers of common ivy (Hedera helix L.) provide late season pollen and nectar for several
insect groups, and its fruits are a winter and spring food source for frugivorous birds. Ivy …