Circuit quantum electrodynamics

A Blais, AL Grimsmo, SM Girvin, A Wallraff - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021‏ - APS
Quantum-mechanical effects at the macroscopic level were first explored in Josephson-
junction-based superconducting circuits in the 1980s. In recent decades, the emergence of …

Heralded state preparation in a superconducting qubit

JE Johnson, C Macklin, DH Slichter, R Vijay… - Physical review …, 2012‏ - APS
We demonstrate high-fidelity, quantum nondemolition, single-shot readout of a
superconducting flux qubit in which the pointer state distributions can be resolved to below …

Orthogonality catastrophe as a consequence of qubit embedding in an ultracold Fermi gas

J Goold, T Fogarty, N Lo Gullo, M Paternostro… - Physical Review A …, 2011‏ - APS
We investigate the behavior of a two-level atom coupled to a one-dimensional, ultracold
Fermi gas. The sudden switching on of the scattering between the two entities leads to the …

New theoretical approaches to Bose polarons

F Grusdt, E Demler - Quantum Matter at Ultralow Temperatures, 2016‏ -
The Frehlich polaron model describes a ubiquitous class of problems concerned with
understanding the properties of a single mobile particle interacting with a bosonic reservoir …

Josephson directional amplifier for quantum measurement of superconducting circuits

B Abdo, K Sliwa, S Shankar, M Hatridge, L Frunzio… - Physical review …, 2014‏ - APS
We realize a microwave quantum-limited amplifier that is directional and can therefore
function without the front circulator needed in many quantum measurements. The …

Quantum flutter of supersonic particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids

CJM Mathy, MB Zvonarev, E Demler - Nature Physics, 2012‏ -
Fast obstacles in a medium are responsible for striking physical phenomena, such as
aerodynamic flutter, Čerenkov radiation and acoustic shock waves. In a hydrodynamic …

Many-body quantum dynamics and induced correlations of Bose polarons

SI Mistakidis, GM Koutentakis… - New Journal of …, 2020‏ -
We study the ground state properties and non-equilibrium dynamics of two spinor bosonic
impurities immersed in a one-dimensional bosonic gas upon applying an interspecies …