[HTML][HTML] Natural energy materials and storage systems for solar dryers: State of the art
Inappropriate food conservation practices along with insufficient and inefficient storage
systems are often responsible for the deterioration in food quality of agricultural products …
systems are often responsible for the deterioration in food quality of agricultural products …
Advancements in solar drying technologies: Design variations, hybrid systems, storage materials and numerical analysis: A review
Solar drying technologies and applications in the last 10 years have been summarized and
discussed in this article. A wide scope of the main elements that make this technique …
discussed in this article. A wide scope of the main elements that make this technique …
Techno-economic evaluation of green hydrogen production with low-temperature water electrolysis technologies directly coupled with renewable power sources
It is obvious that green hydrogen production needs to increase to solve climate change
issues, but green hydrogen has not been actively produced due to economic disadvantages …
issues, but green hydrogen has not been actively produced due to economic disadvantages …
Thermal energy storage using phase change material for solar thermal technologies: a sustainable and efficient approach
Over-exploitation of fossil-based energy sources is majorly responsible for greenhouse gas
emissions which causes global warming and climate change. To mitigate these challenges …
emissions which causes global warming and climate change. To mitigate these challenges …
New hybrid multi criteria decision making method for offshore windfarm site location in Persian Gulf, Iran
SSH Dehshiri - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Choosing the right location for the sustainable development of offshore wind energy plays
an important role in the success of renewable projects. In this regard, in the present study, a …
an important role in the success of renewable projects. In this regard, in the present study, a …
Performance analysis of indirect solar dryer with natural heat energy retention substances for drying red chilli
The world is grappling with substantial food waste after cultivation, mostly due to increased
moisture contents. Therefore, the objective of this study concentrates on develo** an …
moisture contents. Therefore, the objective of this study concentrates on develo** an …
Solar drying systems for Domestic/Industrial Purposes: A State-of-Art review on topical progress and feasibility assessments
In this era of commercialization, energy scarcity and food security are two of the major global
challenges owing to the continuously growing population. The significant post-harvest food …
challenges owing to the continuously growing population. The significant post-harvest food …
Experimental evaluation of performance, drying and thermal parameters of guava slabs dried in a forced convection indirect solar dryer without and with thermal …
The forced convection indirect solar dryer (FISD) provides better quality food products for
lower duration than open sun drying (OSD). The drying experiments on guava slices were …
lower duration than open sun drying (OSD). The drying experiments on guava slices were …
An economic investigation of the wind-hydrogen projects: a case study
Hydrogen as an energy carrier can play a significant role in reducing environmental
emissions if it is produced from renewable energy resources. This research aims to assess …
emissions if it is produced from renewable energy resources. This research aims to assess …
A comprehensive review of hybrid solar dryers integrated with auxiliary energy and units for agricultural products
D Kong, Y Wang, M Li, J Liang - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
Solar energy as a clean and abundant energy source has been widely utilized in the drying
domain. Much research has focused on the drying system driven by solar energy to improve …
domain. Much research has focused on the drying system driven by solar energy to improve …