Mobile crowd sensing and computing: The review of an emerging human-powered sensing paradigm
With the surging of smartphone sensing, wireless networking, and mobile social networking
techniques, Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing (MCSC) has become a promising …
techniques, Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing (MCSC) has become a promising …
A survey of green mobile networks: Opportunities and challenges
The explosive development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has
significantly enlarged both the energy demands and the CO 2 emissions, and consequently …
significantly enlarged both the energy demands and the CO 2 emissions, and consequently …
Analysis of three IoT-based wireless sensors for environmental monitoring
The recent changes in climate have increased the importance of environmental monitoring,
making it a topical and highly active research area. This field is based on remote sensing …
making it a topical and highly active research area. This field is based on remote sensing …
Design of a WSN platform for long-term environmental monitoring for IoT applications
MT Lazarescu - IEEE Journal on emerging and selected topics …, 2013 -
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a virtual view, via the Internet Protocol, to a huge variety
of real life objects, ranging from a car, to a teacup, to a building, to trees in a forest. Its appeal …
of real life objects, ranging from a car, to a teacup, to a building, to trees in a forest. Its appeal …
A survey on topology control in wireless sensor networks: Taxonomy, comparative study, and open issues
The wireless sensor network (WSN) technology spawns a surge of unforeseen applications.
The diversity of these emerging applications represents the great success of this technology …
The diversity of these emerging applications represents the great success of this technology …
Internet of things: Objectives and scientific challenges
HD Ma - Journal of Computer science and Technology, 2011 - Springer
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is aimed at enabling the interconnection and integration
of the physical world and the cyber space. It represents the trend of future networking, and …
of the physical world and the cyber space. It represents the trend of future networking, and …
CDC: Compressive Data Collection for Wireless Sensor Networks
Data collection is a crucial operation in wireless sensor networks. The design of data
collection schemes is challengingdue to the limited energy supply and the hot spot problem …
collection schemes is challengingdue to the limited energy supply and the hot spot problem …
Machine-to-machine communications with in-network data aggregation, processing, and actuation for large-scale cyber-physical systems
I Stojmenovic - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2014 -
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) paradigm enables machines (sensors, actuators, robots, and
smart meter readers) to communicate with each other with little or no human intervention …
smart meter readers) to communicate with each other with little or no human intervention …
[HTML][HTML] RF energy harvesting wireless communications: RF environment, device hardware and practical issues
Radio frequency (RF) based wireless power transfer provides an attractive solution to
extend the lifetime of power-constrained wireless sensor networks. Through harvesting RF …
extend the lifetime of power-constrained wireless sensor networks. Through harvesting RF …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial anomaly detection in sensor networks using neighborhood information
The field of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), embedded systems with sensing and
networking capability, has now matured after a decade-long research effort and …
networking capability, has now matured after a decade-long research effort and …