[HTML][HTML] Multi-material additive manufacturing: A systematic review of design, properties, applications, challenges, and 3D printing of materials and cellular …
Extensive research on nature-inspired cellular metamaterials has globally inspired
innovations using single material and limited multifunctionality. Additive manufacturing (AM) …
innovations using single material and limited multifunctionality. Additive manufacturing (AM) …
[HTML][HTML] Recent inventions in additive manufacturing: Holistic review
This general review paper presents a condensed view of recent inventions in the Additive
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
Manufacturing (AM) field. It outlines factors affecting the development and commercialization …
[HTML][HTML] Review on additive manufacturing of multi-material parts: Progress and challenges
Additive manufacturing has already been established as a highly versatile manufacturing
technique with demonstrated potential to completely transform conventional manufacturing …
technique with demonstrated potential to completely transform conventional manufacturing …
Advancements and challenges in additively manufactured functionally graded materials: a comprehensive review
This paper thoroughly examines the advancements and challenges in the field of additively
manufactured Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs). It delves into conceptual approaches …
manufactured Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs). It delves into conceptual approaches …
Perspectives for multiphase mechanical metamaterials
Mechanical metamaterials have been attracting increasing attention for a wide range of
industrial applications, such as energy storage, biomedical, sensors, robotics, etc., owing to …
industrial applications, such as energy storage, biomedical, sensors, robotics, etc., owing to …
4D printing roadmap
Abstract Four-dimensional (4D) printing is an advanced manufacturing technology that has
rapidly emerged as a transformative tool with the capacity to reshape various research …
rapidly emerged as a transformative tool with the capacity to reshape various research …
Vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing of functionally graded materials: a review
Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) offer discrete or continuously changing properties/
compositions over the volume of the parts. The widespread application of FGMs was not …
compositions over the volume of the parts. The widespread application of FGMs was not …
Energy efficiency in additive manufacturing: condensed review
Today, it is significant that the use of additive manufacturing (AM) has growing in almost
every aspect of the daily life. A high number of sectors are adapting and implementing this …
every aspect of the daily life. A high number of sectors are adapting and implementing this …
Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) of Ti–6Al–4V/Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo and Ti–6Al–4V/γ-TiAl bimetals: processability, interface and mechanical properties
Titanium alloys of near-α Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo (Ti-6242) and intermetallic γ-TiAl (Ti–48Al–
2Cr–2Nb) are commonly served as turbine blade materials operating at elevated …
2Cr–2Nb) are commonly served as turbine blade materials operating at elevated …
Fatigue analysis of additively manufactured short carbon fiber-reinforced PETG Components
The aim of this study is to conduct processing and fatigue analysis on components made
from short carbon fiber-reinforced Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (SCF-PETG) using the …
from short carbon fiber-reinforced Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (SCF-PETG) using the …