The impact of international migration on inclusive growth: A review

Z Koczan, G Peri, M Pinat, D Rozhkov - 2021 -
International migration is an important channel of material improvement for individuals and
their offspring. The movement of people across country borders, especially from less …

Impact of remittances on economic growth and poverty reduction amongst CIS countries

M Abduvaliev, R Bustillo - Post-Communist Economies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The main goal of this paper is to assess the effect of remittances on economic growth and
poverty reduction amongst the post-Soviet states, compared with other external sources of …

Defying the odds: Remittances during the COVID-19 pandemic

K Kpodar, M Mlachila, S Quayyum… - The Journal of …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This paper provides an early assessment of the dynamics and drivers of remittances during
the COVID-19 pandemic, using a newly compiled monthly remittance dataset for a sample of …

Oil prices, growth, and remittance outflows from the Gulf Cooperation Council

S De, S Quayyum, K Schuettler… - … Notes: Review of …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
How does a decline in oil prices and its impacts on growth affect remittance outflows from
the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries? This paper carries out an empirical analysis …

[HTML][HTML] Structural transformation, urbanization, and remittances in develo** countries: A panel VAR analysis

SA Abbas, S Selvanathan, EA Selvanathan - Economic Analysis and Policy, 2023 - Elsevier
Structural transformation and urbanization have increased greatly in develo** countries
over the last few decades. Migrant remittances—private external financial flows—have also …

[PDF][PDF] Lifelines in danger

A Sayeh, R Chami - Finance & Development, 2020 -
Remittance flows into low-income and fragile states represent a lifeline that supports
households as well as provides much-needed tax revenue. As of 2018, remittance flows to …

What's different about monetary policy transmission in remittance-dependent countries?

A Barajas, R Chami, C Ebeke, A Oeking - Journal of Development …, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite welfare and poverty-reducing benefits for recipient households, remittance inflows
have been shown to entail macroeconomic challenges; producing Dutch Disease-type …

Remittances in Russia and Caucasus and Central Asia: the gravity model

T Poghosyan - Review of Development Economics, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Remittances are an important source of external financing in low‐and middle‐income
countries. This paper uses the gravity model to analyze remittance flows in Russia and …

Nexus between foreign remittances and poverty alleviation: Empirical investigation of Tajikistan from Central Asia

F Nawaz, U Kayani, AF Aysan - Cogent Social Sciences, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Remittances have become an increasingly important source of external financing for the low-
income countries of Central Asia. The impact of Foreign remittances upon poverty alleviation …

[HTML][HTML] Money transfers and tax revenue in post-socialist countries: Evidence from the panel ARDL model

A Vusal, P Zohrab - Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the impacts of money transfers on tax revenue in the post-socialist
countries. I evaluate the effects of these money transfers on direct, indirect, and total tax …