Priority effects and ecological restoration

EWA Weidlich, CR Nelson, JL Maron… - Restoration …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Priority effects refer to the order or timing of species arrival, including how species that arrive
early at a site either positively or negatively affect establishment, growth, or reproduction of …

Mine land rehabilitation: Modern ecological approaches for more sustainable mining

M Gastauer, JR Silva, CFC Junior, SJ Ramos… - Journal of Cleaner …, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite the urgent demand for sustainable mining, the revegetation and rehabilitation of
areas degraded by mining activities remain challenging. Uncertainties about species …

The importance of scattered trees for biodiversity conservation: A global meta‐analysis

JA Prevedello, M Almeida‐Gomes… - Journal of Applied …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Scattered trees are thought to be keystone structures for biodiversity in landscapes world‐
wide. However, such trees have been largely neglected by researchers and their importance …

Planning for conservation and restoration under climate and land use change in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

VP Zwiener, AA Padial, MCM Marques… - Diversity and …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To propose and compare priority sites for conservation and restoration of woody plants
under diverse climate and land use scenarios, considering socio‐economic costs, presence …

Co-benefits in biodiversity conservation and carbon stock during forest regeneration in a preserved tropical landscape

ES Capellesso, A Cequinel, R Marques… - Forest Ecology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
To counter increasing CO 2 emissions and plant biodiversity loss, ecological restoration has
been proposed as a means to sequester carbon as well as to increase species diversity in …

Bird perches and artificial bat roosts increase seed rain and seedling establishment in tropical bracken‐dominated deforested areas

C Mayta, CL López, M Villegas, LF Aguirre… - Restoration …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Tropical forests are being reduced by human activities. The use of fire for agricultural
expansion generates areas dominated by the bracken fern Pteridium, where forest …

Artificial perches promote vegetation restoration

BY Guidetti, GC Amico, S Dardanelli… - Plant ecology, 2016 - Springer
Native ecosystems are continuously being transformed mostly into agricultural lands.
Simultaneously, a large proportion of fields are abandoned after some years of use. Without …

Contribution of nucleation techniques to plant establishment in restoration projects: an integrative review and meta‐analysis

T de Oliveira Bahia, C Martins, Y Antonini… - Restoration …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Nucleation practices combine several techniques that use small nuclei of vegetation as
starting points of vegetation regeneration and serve as an integrated approach to improve …

Landscape conservation as a strategy for recovering biodiversity: Lessons from a long‐term program of pasture restoration in the southern Atlantic Forest

FCG Cardoso, ES Capellesso… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Although ecological restoration has entered the global agenda to reverse different
anthropogenic disturbances, we still know little about how this solution interacts with other …

Effects of landscape composition and site land-use intensity on secondary succession in a tropical dry forest

N Pérez-Cárdenas, F Mora, F Arreola-Villa… - Forest Ecology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Regenerating forests after agricultural land abandonment are increasingly common in
human-modified tropical landscapes. These secondary forests preserve biodiversity and …